Exploration of Xi Jinping's Vision of Global Governance

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In his report delivered at the Communist Party of China's (CPC) 19th National Congress, Xi Jinping pointed out that China follows the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration in engaging in global governance, and will continue to play its part as a major and responsible country, take an active part in reforming and developing the global governance system, and keep contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to global governance.1 Promoting a fairer and more reasonable global governance system constitutes an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. This is also an important task for major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Xi Jinping's vision of global governance features a lofty global perspective, deep-rooted ideological origins, distinctive historical characteristics and profound theoretical connotations. It systematically explains global governance as a basic concept, while highlighting the underlying values and basic principles central to its strengthening. It is not only practically significant for promoting world peace, development, and good global governance, but also contributes to the enrichment of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Our world today is undergoing fast and profound changes with growing uncertainties and instability. Unilateralism and protectionism have been on the rise; the m
摘 要:我国农村信用合作组织是随着农村合作化运动的高潮发展起来的,主要是人为的推动,合作组织的“三性”基本上没有得到体现;现阶段农村资金供求起了变化,产生了新的矛盾,农村金融模式的选择,必须适应这种新的形势。  关键词:农村信用社 现状分析 模式选择  中图分类号:F832.35 文献标识码:A    一、中国农村信用社的现状分析    农村信用合作社是由社员入股组成、实行社员民主管理、主要为社员