化肥深施 利国利民 节本增效 功在千秋

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化肥深施技术推广工作是农业部从1994年着手开展的农业节本增效工程技术(即节肥、节种、节药、节油和节水技术)推广工作的一项重要内容,农业部计划从1994~1998年,逐步将化肥深施面积扩大到10亿亩,肥效利用率从30%提高到40%。这项技术推广实施带来的增收节支效益是巨大的。1994年完成深施面积5 390万亩,亩增产粮豆20千克,亩增产皮棉6千克,增收节支总效益就达18亿多元,深受各地政府部门的重视和项目实施区农民的欢迎。第一年就取得了如此的效果和影响,其关键在于农业部领导的重视,作出了明智之举。同时也说明在我国这样一个农业大国,80%的人口在农村,农民的科技文化素质还不高,在科技兴农的道路上还需要各级政府的支持引导。 The promotion of fertilizer deep-seeding technology is an important part of the popularization of agricultural efficiency-enhancing technologies (ie, fertilizer-saving, species-saving, energy-saving and water-saving technologies) started by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1994. The Ministry of Agriculture It is planned that from 1994 to 1998, the area of ​​fertilizer application will be gradually expanded to 1 billion mu, and the efficiency of fertilizer utilization will be raised from 30% to 40%. The implementation of this technology to bring about revenue and expenditure savings is huge. In 1994, a deep-sown area of ​​53.9 million hectares was achieved, an increase of 20 kg of grain per acre and an increase of 6 kg of lint per mu. The overall benefit of increasing income and reducing expenditure amounted to more than 1.8 billion yuan, which was greatly appreciated by local government departments and welcomed by peasants in project implementation areas . The first year has achieved such an effect and impact, the key lies in the attention of the Ministry of Agriculture leaders, made a wise move. At the same time, it also shows that in a big agricultural country such as China, 80% of the population is in rural areas. The scientific and cultural qualities of peasants are not high. The government at all levels needs the support and guidance of science and technology.
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