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能出成绩的是人才,能出点子的是将才,能出思路的是帅才,能出思想的是伟才。我们干工作,既要有埋头拉车的精神,又要有抬头看路的本领;既要勤于实践,又要善于总结,努力做到抓住矛盾,把握规律。思路,即事物发展的条理脉络。领导干部的首要任务是出思路!思路何来?是等待上级指示、文件?是从马列专著而来?这些当然很重要,但最重要的还是运用马克思主义认识论的基本原理,从矛盾的分析入手,找出事物发展的的内在规律。没有矛盾,就没有世界;没有矛盾,事物就会失去前进的动力。工作,就是不断克服矛盾的过程。当前,工会工作中存在着这 To be able to score the achievements of talent, can come out of ideas is to be able to get out of thinking is a handsome, capable of thinking is Wei Cai. To do our work, we must not only have the spirit of dangling cars, but also have the ability to look up the road; we should not only diligently practice, but also be good at summing up and strive to grasp the contradictions and grasp the law. Train of thought, that is, the context of things development. The primary task of leading cadres is to think of ways! What is the train of thought? What awaits the instructions from superiors and the documents? It is certainly a monograph from Marxism-Leninism. Of course, these are very important. However, the most important thing is to apply the basic principles of Marxist epistemology and start with the analysis of contradictions , Find out the inner law of the development of things. Without contradictions, there is no world; without contradictions, things lose the impetus to move forward. Work is the process of continually overcoming contradictions. At present, there is this in union work
The temperature distribution of iron ore pellet bed in grate has a significant effect on pellet production and quality control, but the related work is scarce.
目的 :接受放射性碘治疗后的病人出现唾液腺功能障碍已被描述 ,但是同时合并出现泪腺功能障碍即Sicca综合征至今尚未报道。因此 ,采用前瞻性定群研究方法 ,通过三年随访 ,针对接受