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足球是中学体育教学大纲中的选用教材,颠球技术是足球运动中重要的基本功之一,它对学生加强球感,熟悉球性,提高控球能力,促进足球技术的全面发展等有着积极的作用。所以,“颠球”经常被教师列为教学与训练的重要内容。但由于颠球技术难度比较大,技术性要求比较高,加上初学者的空间方位判断能力比较差,颠球力量把握不均匀,颠球幅度不一致,颠球部位不准确,因此,难以掌握。如按常规进行教学,失误掉球现象会经常发生,拣球时间比颠球时间还长,拣球所耗体力比颠球所耗体力还大。为此,教师伤尽脑筋,学生兴味索然,严重地干扰了教学效果。那么,如何克服掉球现象,增加练习时间,使初学者尽快地掌握正确技术呢?我在多年的足球教学与训练实践中采用了“绳袋球三练习”的方法,收到了良好的效果。“绳袋球”颠球教学器材,由足球、网袋和线绳 Football is an optional teaching material in the syllabus of secondary school physical education. It is one of the most important basic skills in football. It has a positive effect on students' ability to sense the ball, be familiar with the ball, improve their ability to control the ball, and promote the all-round development of football technology. effect. Therefore, “dodging the ball” is often listed as a teacher teaching and training an important part. However, due to the technical difficulty of the ball is relatively large, technical requirements are relatively high, coupled with the ability of beginners to determine the spatial orientation is relatively poor, uneven grasp of the power of the ball, inconsistent amplitude of the ball, the ball is inaccurate position, therefore, difficult to grasp. Such as teaching as usual, mistakes off the ball will often occur, picking the ball longer than the time spent on the ball, the physical exertion ball than the ball by the physical exertion. To this end, the teacher exhausted their brains, students naturally, seriously interfere with the teaching effect. So, how to overcome the phenomenon of the ball off, increase practice time, so that beginners to master the correct technology as soon as possible? I years football teaching and training practice using the “rope ball three exercises” method, received good results. “Rope bag ball” Premiere teaching equipment, football, net bag and rope
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师爱是教育力量的源泉:面向全体学生,不搞偏爱;注重师生间的情感交融;对学生的爱要持之以恒。 Teacher love is the source of educational power: for all students, do no
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服饰既是人类物质文明的结晶,又具有精神文明的内涵。  服装是身份地位的象征,它代表个人的政治地位和社会地位,人人各守本分,不得僭越。作为人类文化重要组成部分的当代服饰文化,理应遵照以人为本的人本主义。服饰的文化意义在于顺应自然環境以满足生存需求、方便于生活日用以便利身体活动、美化身姿体态以愉悦身心安康、显现社会身份以表征社会角色等。作为人体的延伸,服饰还可以表现出衣着者的特性,极富魅力地表现个性、
幼儿园应采用多种形式来丰富幼儿的知识,发展孩子的智慧和能力,集邮就是其中的一种好方法。我是这样做的: 通过参观邮局,让幼儿初步懂得邮票的作用。接着在班内开设集邮角,
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