
来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mc76759
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长江上游生态建设中,典型区营林10–20年的人工混交林有纯林化、衰败退化的演化趋势。本文以长江上游地区川中丘陵的人工林典型土壤为例,并以长江上游未受人为不良干扰的贡嘎山天然林土壤为对照,研究了人工林退化的土壤结构质量问题及其防治措施。结果表明:人工林土壤结构质量远不如天然林土壤。指出长江上游人工林土壤结构质量的退化,是人工林退化的重要影响因素。人工林土壤结构退化的主要原因是人为干扰,缺乏保护和科学管理。主要防治对策是:封禁生态修复和采取恢复枯枝落叶层、施有机肥等措施。 In the ecological construction of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the artificial mixed forest of 10-20 years of typical management of forests has the evolutionary trend of pure forestation and decay and degeneration. In this paper, taking the typical soil of plantation in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River as an example, the quality of the degraded soil structure and its control measures were studied under the control of the natural forest in Gongga Mountain, which is not disturbed by man-made adverse effects in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The results showed that the quality of plantation soil structure is far less than the natural forest soil. It is pointed out that the degradation of soil structure quality in plantations in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is an important factor affecting the degradation of plantations. The main causes of degradation of plantation soil structure are man-made disturbance, lack of protection and scientific management. The main control measures are: ban ecological restoration and restoration of litter layer, organic fertilizer and other measures.
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