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确保按时、按量发放干部教师工资是巩固发展当前安定团结的政治局面,正确处理改革、发展与稳定关系的重大问题,时刻关心人民群众的切身利益是各级政府的根本职责。为了切实保证1994年干部教师工资的按时、按量发放,特作如下通知:一、各级政府要高度重视,加强领导,坚决贯彻党中央、国务院有关重要指示精神,从社会稳定的大局出发,把按时、按量发放干部教师工资作为一项紧迫任务抓紧抓好。政府一把手要亲自抓,分管领导要具体抓,实行责任制,任务落实到人。把确保干部教师工资的按时发放作为考核地方政府领导政绩的基本依据,严格检查,督促落实。二、按照一级政府一级事权,财权与事权相统一的原则,各级干部教师的工资发放,要按现行财政管理体制的规定,立足于自己解决,不能等靠要。当前新的财税体制已开始运行,各地要在抓好改革的同时,集中精力组织财 Ensuring that cadres’ salaries are paid on time and in quantity is a major issue for consolidating and developing the current political situation of stability and unity and correctly handling the relations between reform, development and stability. At all times, caring for the immediate interests of the people is the fundamental responsibility of all levels of government. In order to earnestly ensure that cadres’ salaries of teachers in 1994 are distributed on time and in quantities, the following special notice is hereby issued: First, governments at all levels should attach great importance to strengthening leadership and resolutely implement the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on important instructions; proceed from the overall situation of social stability, We should pay close attention to the issue of cadres’ salaries on time and in quantities as an urgent task. The top leaders of the government must grasp the responsibility in charge of the leaders in charge of the work, and implement the tasks to people. To ensure the timely issuance of cadres and teachers salary as the basic basis for assessing the performance of local government leadership, strict inspection, supervision and implementation. Second, in accordance with the principle of a government authority at a level of authority, the unity of financial rights and powers, the salary distribution of cadres and teachers at all levels should be based on the existing financial management system and be based on their own solutions. At present, the new fiscal and taxation system has started to run. All localities should concentrate their efforts on organizing the financial affairs while doing a good job of reform
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文章以美国法布罗大学图书馆开展的实践为例,深入剖析了其基于PDA(Patron Driven Acqu-isition)的三个代表性的合作项目,并得出四点启示:在共建共享模式下考虑存取和拥有的馆