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  day 5994 第5994天
  I wake up.
  Immediately I have to figure out who I am. It’s not just the body—opening my eyes and discovering whether the skin on my arm is light or dark, whether my hair is long or short, whether I’m fat or thin, boy or girl, scarred[伤痕累累的] or smooth. The body is the easiest thing to adjust to[使适应], if you’re used to waking up in a new one each morning. It’s the life, the context[背景] of the body, that can be hard to grasp[抓].
  Every day I am someone else. I am myself—I know I am myself—but I am also someone else.
  It has always been like this.
  The information is there. I wake up, open my eyes, understand that it is a new morning, a new place. The biography[传记] kicks in[开始生效], a welcome gift from the not-me part of the mind. Today I am Justin. Somehow I know this—my name is Justin—and at the same time I know that I’m not really Justin, I’m only borrowing his life for a day. I look around and know that this is his room. This is his home. The alarm will go off in seven minutes.
  I’m never the same person twice, but I’ve certainly been this type before. Clothes everywhere. Far more video games than books. Sleeps in his boxers[拳击短裤]. From the taste of his mouth, a smoker. But not so addicted[上瘾的] that he needs one as soon as he wakes up.
  “Good morning, Justin,” I say. Checking out his voice. Low. The voice in my head is always different.
  Justin doesn’t take care of himself. His scalp[头皮] itches[发痒]. His eyes don’t want to open. He hasn’t gotten much sleep.
  Already I know I’m not going to like today.
  It’s hard being in the body of someone you don’t like, because you still have to respect it. I’ve harmed people’s lives in the past, and I’ve found that every time I slip up[疏忽], it haunts[使苦恼] me. So I try to be careful.
  From what I can tell, every person I inhabit[占据] is the same age as me. I don’t hop[跳跃] from being 16 to being 60. Right now, it’s only 16. I don’t know how this works. Or why. I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago. I’m never going to figure it out, any more than a normal person will figure out his or her own existence[存在]. After a while, you have to be at peace with the fact that you simply are. There is no way to know why. You can have theories[理论], but there will never be proof[证据].   The alarm goes off. I reach for a shirt and some jeans, but something lets me see that it’s the same shirt he wore yesterday. I pick a different shirt. I take the clothes with me to the bathroom, dress after showering. His parents are in the kitchen now. They have no idea that anything is different.
  Sixteen years is a lot of time to practice. I don’t usually make mistakes. Not anymore.
  I read his parents easily: Justin doesn’t talk to them much in the morning, so I don’t have to talk to them. I have grown accustomed to[习惯于] sensing expectation[期望] in others, or the lack of it. I shovel[铲] down some cereal[麦片], leave the bowl in the sink[洗涤槽] without washing it, grab[攫取] Justin’s keys and go.
  Yesterday I was a girl in a town I’d guess to be two hours away. The day before, I was a boy in a town three hours farther than that. I am already forgetting their details. I have to, or else I will never remember who I really am.
  I access[使用] his memory to show me the way to school, which parking space to take, which locker[储物柜] to go to. The combination[密码]. The names of the people he knows in the halls. As I take Justin’s books out of his locker, I can feel someone hovering[徘徊] on the periphery[外围]. I turn, and the girl standing there is transparent[透明的] in her emotions—tentative[踌躇的] and expectant[期待的], nervous and adoring[爱慕的]. I don’t have to access Justin to know that this is his girlfriend. No one else would have this reaction to him, so unsteady[不稳定的] in his presence[面前]. She’s pretty, but she doesn’t see it. She’s hiding behind her hair, happy to see me and unhappy to see me at the same time.
  Her name is Rhiannon. And for a moment—just the slightest beat—I think that, yes, this is the right name for her. I don’t know why. I don’t know her. But it feels right.
  This is not Justin’s thought. It’s mine. I try to ignore it. I’m not the person she wants to talk to.
  “Hey,” I say, keeping it casual[随意的].
  “Hey,” she murmurs[低语] back.
  She’s looking at the floor, at her inked[墨水渲染的]-in Converse. She’s drawn cities there, skylines[地平线] around the soles[鞋底]. Something’s happened between her and Justin, and I don’t know what it is. It’s probably not something that Justin even recognized at the time.
  “Are you okay?” I ask.
  I see the surprise on her face, even as she tries to cover it. This is not something that Justin normally asks.
  And the strange thing is: I want to know the answer. The fact that he wouldn’t care makes me want it more.   “Sure,” she says, not sounding sure at all.
  I find it hard to look at her. I know from experience that beneath every peripheral[外表的] girl is a central truth. She’s hiding hers away, but at the same time she wants me to see it. That is, she wants Justin to see it. And it’s there, just out of my reach. A sound waiting to be a word.
  She is so lost in her sadness that she has no idea how visible[明显的] it is. I think I understand her—for a moment, I presume[推测] to understand her—but then, from within this sadness, she surprises me with a brief[简短的] flash of determination[决心]. Bravery, even.
  “Do you still want to get lunch today?” she asks.
  The easy thing would be to say no. I often do this: sense the other person’s life drawing me in, and run in the other direction.
  But there’s something about her—the cities on her shoes, the flash of bravery, the unnecessary sadness—that makes me want to know what the word will be when it stops being a sound. I have spent years meeting people without ever knowing them, and on this morning, in this place, with this girl, I feel the faintest[微弱的] pull of wanting to know. And in a moment of either weakness or bravery on my own part, I decide to follow it. I decide to find out more.
  “Absolutely,” I say. “Lunch would be great.”
  She’s relieved[放心的]. Or, at least, as relieved as she’ll allow herself to be, which is a very guarded form of relief. By accessing, I know she and Justin have been together for over a year. That’s as specific[明确的] as it gets. Justin doesn’t remember the exact date.
  She reaches out and takes my hand. I am surprised by how good this feels.
  The first bell rings.
  “I’ll see you later,” I say.
  Such a basic promise. But to Rhiannon, it means the world.
  住在一个你不喜欢的人的身体里很不好受,因为你还是得尊重它。过去我曾经破坏过别人的生活,之后发现每一次我出错,它都会萦绕在我的心头。因此我尽量小心谨慎。   我可以告诉你的是,每一个让我寄居的人都与我同岁。我不用从十六岁跨越到六十岁。现在,我只有十六岁。我并不知道这是如何运作的,也不知道为什么会这样。很久以前,我就不再试图弄清楚这个问题了。我永远也破解不了其中的奥秘,正如一个正常人无法解释他或者她自身的存在一样。不久后,你必须平静地接受你就是你这个事实,无法知道其原因何在。你可能有一套理论,但你永远无法证实。
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