
来源 :草原税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxlwwh
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哲里木盟国家税务局为把全系统干部队伍建设成为一支“有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律”的德才兼备的经济执法队伍。以国家税务总局提出的“爱祖国、爱税收、爱岗位、树立税务新形象”为主题,结合税务系统实际工作,按税务工作人员的各自岗位,从年初开始,开展了争做“优秀指挥员、优秀征管员、优秀稽查员、优秀会计员、优秀办事员”的五优活动。 争做“优秀五员”活动主要是立足岗位做贡献,强调岗位练兵,岗位建功的重要性。这个局根据税务人员各自工作岗位的特点和实际,制定了争先创优的条件。并以组织收入为中心,强调争做“优秀五员”活动要搞好四个结合。一是开展争做“优秀五员”活动要和抓党的基层建设相结合。以党的十四届四中全会精神为指针,发挥党支部的核心和战斗保垒作用。发挥党 The State Taxation Administration of Zheli League has set up a cadre of system-wide cadres as an economic law enforcement team that has both moral integrity and moral integrity and a culture of discipline and integrity. With the theme of “love the motherland, love taxes, love jobs and establish a new tax image” put forward by the State Administration of Taxation, in line with the actual work of the taxation system, according to their respective positions in taxation staff, starting from the beginning of the year, , Outstanding Leader, excellent inspector, outstanding accountant, outstanding clerk “five excellent activities. Strive to be ”outstanding five“ activities are mainly based on the post to make contributions, emphasizing the importance of post training, post meritorious service. Based on the characteristics and actualities of tax officers’ respective jobs, this bureau has set the conditions for striving for excellence. Organizational income as the center, emphasizing the fight to be ”outstanding five“ activities to improve the combination of the four. First, the campaign of ”outstanding five members" should be carried out in combination with grasping the party’s grassroots building. Take the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party as a guideline and give play to the core of the party branch and the role of fighting against infighting. Play the party
根河市国税局重视干部职工的培训工作,把提高干部的业务素质与组织税收收入放在同等重要位置来对待。 新税制的实施对新老税务干部都面临着知识更新问题。为了建立一支业务