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说明文是以说明为主要表达方式的一种文体,但它并不排斥表达方式的多样性。要想写出文质兼美的说明文,我们也可以在说明中适当融入记叙、描写、议论和抒情,这样写出来的说明文就会更生动,更精彩。一、说明文中的记叙可以使说明的事物更加具体可感,给人留下深刻的印象【例1】赵州桥横跨在洨河 The explanatory text is a style based on the description as the main expression, but it does not exclude the diversity of expressions. If we want to write a textual and beautiful description, we can also incorporate narration, description, discussion and lyric in the explanation, so that the explanation text written in this way will be more vivid and wonderful. First, the description of the narrative can make the description of things more specific and sensible, leaving a deep impression [Example 1] Zhaozhou Bridge across the river
The parental material of soils in the Qilian Mountains of northwest China is mainly aeolian loess containing CaCO3 which may remain in soils under the semiarid-
<正> 合词法(compounding)在英语中是一个重要的构词方法,为英语增添了不少精炼的词汇。把两个或两个以上的独立词(independent word)①按照一定的规则结合起来构成新词的方
The surface water quality was investigated in the C&#243;rrego Sujo watershed, located in the municipality of Teres&#243;polis, a mountainous region in the stat
The objective of this study was to compare the effect of anticipated and traditional inoculation of Bradyrhizobium spp. in industrially treated soybean seeds. T
The agricultural sector is the basis of livelihood for a large proportion of society in Ethiopia. In the three political regimes in modern Ethiopia, the Imperia