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伴随着人民共和国的脚步,武汉交通邮电走过了光辉的50年。喜看今日之武汉,万里长江和316、318国道横贯东西,京广、京九铁路和106、107国道纵穿南北,银燕从天河机场、王家墩机场飞往全国,特快专递、长途电话联网世界。武汉已成为中国重要的交通通信枢纽,正在由“九省通衢”向“国际通衙”迈进。武汉近代交通邮电萌芽于1861年,但是在帝国主义、官僚资本主义和封建把头的控制下,80多年来发展缓慢,步履维艰。其问,还经历了1945年日本侵略军覆灭前和1949年国民党溃逃时大肆破坏这两次浩劫。但由于中国共产党地下组织领导广大交通邮电职工誓死斗争,使得一部分交通通信设备得以完好地回到人民手中。武汉解放后,交通邮电职工满怀当家 Accompanied by the pace of the People’s Republic, Wuhan Post and Telecommunications passed a brilliant 50 years. Like today’s Wuhan, the Yangtze River and the 316,318 National Road running through things, Beijing-Kowloon Railway and 106,107 National Road runs north and south, Yin and Yan from Tianhe Airport, Wangjiadun airport to the country, Speedpost, long distance telephone network world. Wuhan has become an important transportation hub for China and is moving forward from the “thoroughfares of nine provinces” to the “international public office”. In recent years, the traffic post and telecommunications in Wuhan have sprouted in 1861, but under the control of imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and feudalism, they have been developing slowly and struggling for more than 80 years. The Qalos also went through atrocious destruction of the two catastrophes before the fall of the Japanese Invaders in 1945 and the Kuomintang’s defeat in 1949. However, due to the fact that the underground organizations of the Chinese Communist Party led the overwhelming majority of traffic, postal and telecommunications workers to fight for death, some traffic and communications equipment were returned to the people in good hands. After the liberation of Wuhan, traffic and telecommunications staff full of masters
患者男,52岁。因反复胸痛1年,再发4 h,于2005年11月8日入院。病史:去年冬天因劳累突发胸痛、咳嗽、咳白色泡沫痰,气短,头晕,以心绞痛住院l周痊愈出院。本次入院前4 h 在田间
Objective To investigate the prognosis of moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the elderly patients, and to evaluate the factors for long te
定义质量质量或许是一个十分令人困惑的概念,这部分是由于人们根据个人在生产——营销价值链上所扮演的不同角色而采用了不同的标准来认识"质 Defining quality quality may
急性肺栓塞是呼吸科急危重症之一 ,其临床症状和体症均是特异性的 ,生前漏诊和误诊较多 ,误诊率在 70 %以上 ,未经治疗的患者死亡率达 2 5 %~30 % ,严重影响患者的治疗和预后
This article is to investigate the effect of human recombinant phospholipase D2 (rhPLD2) in vivo on the expression of nuclear transcription factor p65 in chroni