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不久前,山东省副省长邵桂芳在听取了山东省科协党组书记陆巽生的工作汇报后,提出了今后的科协工作要充分发挥“三性”:一、要充分发挥科协的政治性。科协是党和政府领导下的人民团体,具有鲜明的政治性。科协工作要在政治上把好关,为党的基本路线服务,宣传贯彻党的方针政策,围绕省委、省政府的中心任务做好工作。要发挥桥梁纽带作用,加强与科技人员的联系,及时反映他们的意见,调动其积极性,为科教兴鲁服务。要加强科学思想的教育和科学方法的传播,培养公众观察问题、处理问题的能力,用科学战胜迷信。二、要充分发挥科协的群众性。山东全省科协的组织网络比较 Not long ago, Shao Gui-fang, vice governor of Shandong Province, after hearing the report made by Lu Lansheng, secretary of the Shandong Provincial Association for Science and Technology, proposed that future work in CAST should give full play to the “three nature”: First, give full play to the politics of CAST Sex. CAST is a people's party under the leadership of the party and government and has a distinctive political character. The work of CAST should do a good job in politics by serving its party well, serving the party's basic line, propagandizing and implementing the party's principles and policies, and focusing on the central tasks of the provincial party committee and government. We must give play to the role of bridges and bridges, strengthen ties with scientists and technicians, reflect their opinions in a timely manner, mobilize their enthusiasm and serve the prosperous areas of science and education. It is necessary to strengthen the education of scientific thinking and the dissemination of scientific methods, cultivate the public observation problems and the ability to deal with problems, and overcome the superstition with science. Second, we must give full play to the mass organization of CAST. Shandong Province Association for Science and Technology organization network comparison
美国北卡罗来纳州大学的研究人员说,将一微型摄象机放入人们的口腔,摄下可看见的1个3维图,然后,附属在该机在该摄象机的一只计算机分析上述图,寻找空洞。 Researchers at th
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