功能茶饮剑走偏锋 “养神清”桑芽茶掀起投资新热潮

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桑茶天然营养好工艺科学获殊荣桑芽茶,顾名思义,由桑叶嫩芽经科学配方精制而成。《中华人民共和国药典》:桑叶性味甘、寒,归肺、肝经;疏风散热,清肺润燥,清肝明目。《本草纲目》:桑叶乃手足阳明之药,煎汁代茗,能止消渴,明目长发。《本草经疏》桑叶性味苦甘、寒,甘所以益血,寒所以凉血,甘寒相合,故下气而益阴,又能明目而止咳,有补益之功。《本草图经》:桑叶可常服,煎以代茶饮,令人聪明。《神农本草经》:桑叶除寒热、出汗。根据以上的权威数据显示,桑叶内含有大量人体所需的蛋白质、碳水化合物及16种氨基酸、7种维生素等营养成分,长期饮用具有降血压、降血脂、降血糖和消炎抗菌、清肠润肠等作用。随着生活水平的提高,人们对于饮茶也逐步讲究功能的多少;市面上减肥茶、解酒茶等单一功效性茶饮料已远远不能 Sang tea natural nutrition good science and technology won the award Mulberry bud tea, as the name implies, from the mulberry leaves buds from the scientific formula refined. “The People’s Republic of China Pharmacopoeia”: Mulberry sweet, cold, to the lungs, liver; Shufeng heat, clearing the lung Runzao, Liver eyesight. “Compendium of Materia Medica”: mulberry leaf is hand, foot Yangming medicine, decoction Ming tea, can only quench thirst, eyesight hair. “Materia Medica sparse” mulberry leaves taste sweet, cold, sweet so benefit blood, cold so cool blood, Gan Han coincide, so the next gas and yin yin, but also eyesight and cough, there are tonic benefits. “Materia Medica”: mulberry leaves can be served, fried on behalf of the tea, it is clever. “Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic”: mulberry leaves in addition to cold and heat, sweating. According to the above authoritative data show that mulberry leaves contain a large number of human body required protein, carbohydrates and 16 kinds of amino acids, 7 kinds of vitamins and other nutrients, long-term drinking with antihypertensive, hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory antibacterial, bowel Run Intestinal and other effects. With the improvement of living standards, people also gradually pay attention to the function of tea; the market slimming tea, hangover tea and other single-effect tea drinks are far from
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