High Temperature Properties of Discontinuously Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites:A Review

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzy200611519
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Further improvement on high temperature durability is one of the most important aims except for high specific strength, high specific stiffness, and excellent wear resistance, to design and fabricate discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites(DRTMCs). Their superior properties render them extensive application potential in aerospace and military industries due to the urgent demand for the materials with characteristics of lightweight, high strength, high stiffness and high temperature durability. With development on fabrication methods and room temperature properties,testing, characterizing, evaluating and further increasing high temperature properties of DRTMCs are becoming more and more important to promote their applications. This review provides insights and comprehensions on the high temperature tensile properties, superplastic tensile properties, creep behaviors, and high temperature oxidation behaviors of DRTMCs,and research proposals to further improve the high temperature properties of DRTMCs are given. Further improvement on high temperature durability is one of the most important targets except for high specific strength, high specific stiffness, and excellent wear resistance, to design and fabricate discontinuously reinforced titanium matrix composites (DRTMCs). Their superior properties render them extensive application potential in aerospace and military industries due to the urgent demand for the materials with characteristics of lightweight, high strength, high stiffness and high temperature durability. With development on fabrication methods and room temperature properties, testing, characterizing, evaluating and further increasing high temperature properties of DRTMCs This review provides insights and comprehensions on the high temperature tensile properties, superplastic tensile properties, creep behaviors, and high temperature oxidation behaviors of DRTMCs, and research proposals to further improve the high tempe rature properties of DRTMCs are given.
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