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云南是一个多民族聚居的省份。在这片美丽的土地上.生活着25个少数民族,加上各民族众多的支系,形成了云南民族文化和民族风情的丰富多样性。在历史发展的长河中,各民族优秀文化的交流与融合,创造了特色鲜明、异彩纷呈的民族文化。多民族共居的云南,无论是在语言、民居、服饰方面,还是在生活习俗、婚丧嫁娶、民族节庆中,都会使你感受到神秘、清纯、朴实,民族风情旅游是云南最好的旅游品牌。从2007年第二期开始,我们推出“民族风情之旅”专栏,将从民族节日、民族饮食、民族服饰、民族工艺、民族歌舞等方面展示云南的民族风情。本期介绍的是民族节庆.在云南各民族和众多的支系中,大大小小的节庆有百余个,其中有较大影响、特色突出的,如傣族“泼水节”、彝族“火把节”、白族“三月街”等等。随着各民族的不断融合,许多民族风情在平时很难看到,而民族节日时,各民族都竞相展示自己独特的风俗习惯,所以节日是进入民族风情之旅的最好开始。 Yunnan is a multi-ethnic province. On this beautiful land Living 25 ethnic minorities, together with numerous ethnic minorities, formed a rich and varied ethnic culture and national customs in Yunnan. In the long history of development, the exchange and integration of outstanding national cultures has created distinctive and colorful ethnic cultures. Multi-ethnic living in Yunnan, whether in language, residential, costumes, or in the customs, weddings and funerals, national festivals, will make you feel mysterious, pure, simple, ethnic style travel is the best travel in Yunnan Brand. Starting from the second phase in 2007, we will launch the “Ethnic Customs Journey” column, which will showcase ethnic customs in Yunnan from ethnic festivals, national diets, national costumes, ethnic crafts and folk songs and dances. This issue describes the national festival. Among the various nationalities and numerous branches in Yunnan, there are over 100 festivals of all sizes, of which there are significant influences and outstanding features such as the Dai “Songkran Festival”, the Yi “Torch Festival” and the Bai “March Street” and many more. With the continuous integration of various ethnic groups, many ethnic customs are hard to see during normal times. For national festivals, all ethnic groups compete to display their own unique customs and traditions. Therefore, the holiday season is the best start for entering the national customs journey.
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