逐鹿西部 谁主沉浮

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国务院实施西部大开发战略以来,中国建设银行累计向西部地区投放贷款近8000亿元,年均增长近15%,比同期西部地区GDP增速高4.39个百分点。其中,向国家重点建设项目累计投放贷款1052亿元,累计发放国债建设项目配套贷款266亿元,支持建设了西电东送、西气东输、青藏铁路建设等一大批国家和地方重点项目。2004年12月1日中国建设银行在西安召开进一步支持西部大开发座谈会,董事长张恩照表示,将在进一步支持西部大开发过程中,提升西部地区分行市场综合竞争能力、盈利能力和管理水平,实现协调持续和高质量发展。这表明:在全面建立现代金融企业的过程中,建行已经把未来发展的重点放在了西部。建行西部地区分行将在西部大开发中,与西部共同进步,与西部共创辉煌。值此新年来临之际,本刊特将“逐鹿西部,谁主沉浮”奉献给广大读者,一起企盼西部更加美好的未来! Since the implementation of the strategy of developing the western region by the State Council, China Construction Bank has invested nearly 800 billion yuan in loans to the western region with an average annual growth rate of nearly 15%, up 4.39 percentage points over the same period in the western region. Among them, a total of 105.2 billion yuan loans were levied on key state construction projects and a total of 26.6 billion yuan loans for construction of government bonds were issued in support of a large number of key national and local projects, such as the transmission of power from the west to the east, the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and so on. On December 1, 2004, China Construction Bank held a symposium in Xi’an on further support for the large-scale development of the western region. Chairman Zhang Enzhao said that while further supporting the development of the western region, it will enhance the overall competitiveness, profitability and management of the branches in the western region, To achieve sustained and coordinated development of high quality. This shows that in the process of establishing an all-round modern financial enterprise, China Construction Bank has put the focus of its future development on the west. The branches of the western region of China Construction Bank will make common progress with the west in the grand western development and create a brilliant future with the west. On the occasion of the New Year approaching, we hereby devote ourselves to the readership of “Deer in the West and Who Levides in the West” and look forward to a better future in the West!
台儿庄是一个水土流失比较严重的地区。因此,台儿庄开展了以治理水土流失为主体的水土保持工程,有效改善耕地、改良土壤土质、发展生态农业。 Taierzhuang is a relatively
刚刚年满55 岁的王珉,安徽人, 先后任江苏省副省 长、中共江苏省委常 委、苏州市委书记。 2004年10月调任 中共吉林省委副书 记,吉林省副省长、 代省长。2005年1 月29日吉林
As known,standards are finally developed and published thanks to huge financial time and energy cost of technical experts and other stakeholders as well as the
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