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文化大革命以来,全国文艺、戏剧工作者大学毛主席著作,纷纷深入生活,与工农兵相结合,改造思想,已取得显著成果。文艺、戏剧工作者要做到真正地、彻底地为工农兵服务、为社会主义服务,根本的关键在于改变原来的非无产阶级立场和世界观,取得无产阶级的立场和世界观。经验证明,要取得无产阶级的立场和世界观,最重要的途径就是学习毛主席著作和深入工农兵火热斗争。二月二十二日和二月二十七日,《人民日报》先后以一版首要地位发表了有关的两篇社论和两则长篇报道。二十二日的报道介绍了全国各地十六万多名文艺工作者下农村、厂矿、连队,参加三大革命运动,促进思想革命化的情况。报道引用有关部门负责人的分析说,这是解放以来规模最大、范围最广、影响深远的一次社会主义文化大进军;也是文艺界大学毛主席著作,进一步同工农兵相结合,促进文艺队伍革命化的百年大计。同日的社论,题为《文艺工作者,到农村去锻炼!》社论认为,文艺工作者革命化、劳动化的根本道路,就是深入工农 Since the Cultural Revolution, Chairman Mao of the National Literature and Drama Workers’ University has gone deep into life, integrated with the workers, peasants and soldiers, and renovated his thinking and achieved remarkable results. The key to the accomplishment of literary and art and theater workers in truly and thoroughly serving the workers, peasants, and soldiers and in serving socialism lies in changing their original non-proletarian stance and world outlook and acquiring the proletarian stance and world view. Experience shows that the most important way to gain the proletarian stance and world outlook is to study Chairman Mao’s works and deepen the fierce struggle among the workers, peasants and soldiers. On February 22 and February 27, “People’s Daily” published two editorials and two long-length reports in a first-rate version. The 22nd story introduced the situation of more than 160,000 literary and art workers in various parts of the country under the countryside, factories, mines and companies, the three major revolutionary campaigns, and the promotion of ideological revolution. The report quoted the head of the relevant departments as saying that this is the largest and most extensive far-reaching impact of the socialist culture since the liberation. It is also the work of Chairman Mao of the Literary and Art Circles, and is further integrated with the workers, peasants and soldiers to promote the revolution of literary and artistic personnel. Hundred years plan. The editorial on the same day, entitled “Literary Workers, Going to the Countryside!” The editorial held that the fundamental road of revolutionizing and laboring literary workers is to deepen the education of workers and peasants
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