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毛主席教导我们:“政策是革命政党一切实际行动的出发点,并且表现于行动的过程和归宿。”又说:“政策和策略是党的生命。”一个革命政党如果没有自己的坚定不移的路线和为实现这个路线的各项政策,就不可能领导人民群众取得革命和建设的胜利。政策和策略执行得正确与否,是革命目的能否实现的关键,是关系到革命的成败和党的生命的问题。因此,正确地、认真地执行党的政策,是每个共产党员和革命干部的光荣义务,是做好—切工作的根本保证。财政工作是党和国家进行革命和建设的重要工具之一,它和其他工作一样,必须认真贯彻执行党和国家的方针政策,为党的总路线服务。我国的财政是社会主义财政,财攻上的—收一支,都体现着党的政策,反映 Chairman Mao taught us: “Policy is the starting point for all actual actions by revolutionary parties and is manifested in the course and destination of operations.” “They also say:” Policies and tactics are the life of the party. "If a revolutionary party does not have its own The steadfastness of the line and the policies aimed at achieving this line will not lead the people in winning the victory of revolution and construction. Whether the policies and tactics are implemented correctly or not is the key to the realization of the revolutionary purpose and the issue concerning the success or failure of the revolution and the life of the party. Therefore, correctly and conscientiously implementing the party’s policy is the glorious obligation of every party member and revolutionary cadre and the fundamental guarantee for doing a good job of cutting the work. Fiscal work is one of the important tools for the party and the state in carrying out the revolution and construction. Like other work, it must conscientiously implement the principles and policies of the party and the state and serve the party’s general line. Our country’s finance is the result of socialist finance and fiscal management - all of them embody the party’s policies and reflect
沈阳市税务局沈河区分局秘书科的同志们,在学习毛主席著作和开展社会主义教育运动以后,思想觉悟提高了,工作作风和工作方法改进了。他们坚持为征收工作服务,坚 After study
The initial cell search plays an im-portant role during the process of downlink synchronization establishment between the User Equipment(UE)and the base station
2009年,全国报刊广告经营整体上低开高走已成定局,报刊广告人要自觉主动服务全国中心工作,争做保增长、促内需的功臣。 In 2009, it is a foregone conclusion that the nat