日常生活中,B族的维生素是人们所熟悉的。例如B_1、B_2、B_4、B_6和B_(12)等,凡缺乏B族维生素就会使人们患各种维生素缺乏症。近年来国际上又发现了一种新的B族成员即B_(17),它的发现使人们充满了对癌症防治的信心,为防癌、抗癌药物增添了一朵奇葩。食品中有哪些含有B_(17),据记载有水果类、藻类、植物叶和鳖类 一、杏子:话还得从头说起,在南太平洋中有一个斐济岛国。该国气候终年如春,以盛产杏子
In everyday life, the B vitamins are familiar to people. For example, B_1, B_2, B_4, B_6 and B_(12), etc., where the lack of B vitamins will make people suffer from vitamin deficiency. In recent years, a new member of the B family, B_(17), has been discovered in the world. Its discovery has filled people with confidence in cancer prevention and has added a wonderful flower to anti-cancer and anti-cancer drugs. What foods contain B_ (17), according to records of fruits, algae, plant leaves and locusts apricots: words have to start from scratch, there is a Fiji island nation in the South Pacific. The country’s climate is springing up all year long, with abounding apricots