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虾池中生长的青苔是水棉、双星藻、转板藻等丝状藻类的总称。青苔在虾池内大量滋生蔓延,消耗水体中的无机盐类,破坏虾池中正常的营养物质代谢,造成池水透明度过大,阳光直射池底,青苔疯长,使水质变得更清瘦,从而形成恶性循环。这样的水中浮游生物缺乏,影响贝类滤食。同时,青苔大量繁殖,覆盖池底,池底贝类会因此窒息死亡,鱼、虾、蟹等也会被藻丝缠住而影响其正常活动。随着水温的升高,青苔在池内泛起死亡,堆积在池底腐烂,在分解过程中产生大量硫化氢,增加池水氨氮含量,降低溶氧量,容易引起养殖品种的缺氧,甚至中毒死亡,危害极大。因此,对虾池青苔必须及时防治,具体可采取以下措施。 The moss growing in the shrimp ponds is a general term for filamentous algae such as cotton wool, double star algae, Moss in the shrimp ponds in a large number of breeding, consumption of inorganic salts in the water body, destroy the normal metabolism of nutrients in shrimp ponds, resulting in excessive transparency of the water, sun at the bottom of the tank, moss soaring, the water becomes more lean, resulting in malignant cycle. This lack of plankton in water, affecting shellfish filter food. At the same time, moss multiply, covering the bottom, bottom shellfish will therefore suffocate, fish, shrimp, crabs, etc. will be entangled with algae silk and affect their normal activities. As the water temperature rises, the moss will cause death in the pond, accumulate in the pond bottom decay, generate a large amount of hydrogen sulfide in the decomposition process, increase the ammonia nitrogen content in the pond water, reduce the dissolved oxygen content, easily lead to hypoxia of the cultured species and may even cause poisoning , Great harm. Therefore, shrimp pond moss must be timely prevention and treatment, can take the following specific measures.
南美白对虾感染桃拉病毒后主要症状为:(1)体形消瘦,甲壳变软,红须,红尾,体色变为暗红色;(2)病虾摄食减少或不摄食,游动缓慢而无规律,大部分 The main symptoms of P. vannamei
云南倒刺鱼巴 (Spinibarbusyunnanensis)属鲤科、鱼巴亚科、倒刺鱼巴属[1、2 ] ,地方名为青鱼。其体重可达 2 0kg左右 ,近年曾从抚仙湖中捕捞到体重达 70kg的个体 ,被称为抚仙湖的“鱼王” ,目前青鱼的