A New Divide

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  U.S.-Russia relations have reportedlyhit a downward spiral since thebeginning of this year.
“We’ve bribed the examsupervisors, paying eachone 20,000 yuan. Theywill make everything gosmooth during the exams,”Li Feng, ateacher h-om No.2 High School inDancbeng, Henan Province, told underco
Science and technology are theprimers of productivity. This wide-ly cited slogan often attributed toDeng Xiaoping is the key to thesurvival of many private cimpa-nies in Fujian Province.
Michelle Schneider, a 21 yea-oldGerman Christian who worksin China, didn’t expect to findso many cburches open to thcpublic inBeijing.
China has been a unified multiethnic country since ancienttimes. Historical records show that as far back as 221 B.C.,the State of Qin established the first centralized feudalmonarchy in the country,
Li Xiao, 18, is a Beijing girl from amiddle-class family in her last year atmiddle school.
Top Chinese and U.S. economic officials may justi-fiably take some pride in their recently concludedstrategic dialogue. Despite the fact that only a fewminor agreements were reached, they took a furth
For Chinese lovers of Harry Potter, July 21 will be a day forthem to rejoice with fans around the world as the seventhand final in the series of adventures rolls off the presses.
One hundred and fifty-six years ago,a young Chinese man named RongHong entered Yale University cam-pus.
Since 2004, foreign M&As of Chinesebusinesses have really taken off anddirectly targeted flagship enterprisesin relevant industries.
Four years ago 9-year-old BianJinyang, like many Chinese children,finished reading his first Harry Potterbook.