Progress and challenges in the fabrication of DPS shells for ICF

来源 :MatterandRadiationatExtremes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenweifan
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To improve the quality of deuterated polystyrene (DPS) shells, the synthesis and purification of DPS as well as the fabrication of DPS shells are investigated. The molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, measured by GPC-MALLS, are about 350 kg mol-1 and less than 2.0, respectively. The results of TG and GC-MS indicate that the residual solvent is almost completely removed. DPS shells with ~ 300 μm –2500 μm diameter and ~10 μm–100 μm wall thickness are successfully prepared by a microfluidic device. The monodispersity of the diameter is much better than that of the wall thickness in a batch of DPS shells. The vacuoles can be suppressed by both reducing hydrophilic residues in DPS and adding some salts into the outer water phase (W2). The defects appearing during the drying process decrease by heat treatment, ethanol exchange, and lowered drying temperature. The results presented in this work not only provide guidelines for the preparation of DPS shells of better quality, but also indicate challenges for the future.
Resonant cavity enhancement (RCE) typed optical detector and modulator which operating at wavelength band of 1.06 μm is reported. The peak quantum efficiency of detector is reasonably high as 50% without bias, and the photocurrent contrast ratio of modula
We present here experimental results on the optimization of the mega-electronvolt ion source from the target front surface by using relativistic (1018 W/cm2) interactions with ultra-short laser pulses (50 fs). The source perturbation
为了实现模分复用系统中的模式转换,提出了基于环形光纤的倾斜长周期光纤光栅的矢量模式转换方法。利用有限差分法和耦合模理论,研究了折射率调制的倾斜角度、幅度函数、光栅长度及耦合系数对模式耦合的影响。结果表明,在相位匹配条件下,该光栅可在不同波长处实现基模到特定高阶矢量模式的转换,且波长间隔大于150 nm。倾斜角度在模式耦合中起着关键作用,在倾斜角度约为84°时转换效率可达到最大。与现有模式转换方法相比,这种模式转换器模式间隔较大,模式间串扰低、转换效率高,在轨道角动量复用和矢量模式复用中有潜在应用价值。
实验研究了带有新型宽带SESAM掺钛蓝宝石激光器克尔-透镜锁模的自启动动力学过程;获得了在阻挡-恢复过程中, SESAM启动KLM较为完整的物理图像, 并对其机理进行了分析和讨论。
利用激光熔覆工艺制备锡基合金熔覆层、镍/锡基合金熔覆层,对两种熔覆层的显微组织、硬度及摩擦磨损性能进行分析,并与铸造锡基巴氏合金进行对比。结果表明:锡基合金熔覆层由方块状SnSb、花瓣状Cu6Sn5和基体相α-Sn组成。由于镍元素的扩散作用,在镍/锡基合金熔覆层底部生成了NixSny和CuNiSb2混合相;两种激光熔覆层在截面深度0.1~0.7 mm处的显微硬度差别不大,均约为50 HV;随着截面深度增大,镍/锡基合金熔覆层的硬度急剧升高,这是因为过渡层中的镍元素扩散到了熔覆层,形成了Sn-Ni金属间化合