Sulfur isotopic composition of seafloor hydrothermal sediment from the Jade hydrothermal field in th

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LUOLIJIAN88
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Eighteen samples of hydrothermal sediments from the Jade hydrothermal field in the central Okinawa Trough have been analyzed. Sulfur isotopic values for 10 sulfide samples vary from 5.2 × 10~(-3) to 7.2× 10(-3), δ~(34)S values for 7 sulfate samples vary from 16.3 × 10~(-3) to 22.3 × 10~(-3), and 1 native sulphur sample has a δ~(34)S value of 8.2× 10~(-3). The major sources of sulfur for hydrothermal sediment are intermediate to acid volcanic rocks and sea water sulfate, and it is possible that the partial sulfur of hydrothermal sediment is from the pelagic sediment by the interaction between hydrothermal fluid and sediment. The reasons of causing the distinct differences in sulfur isotopic values for sulfide samples from hydrothermal sediment ( compared with other hydrothermal fields), are the differences in the sources of sulfur, the magmatic activity and the tectonic evolution in different hydrothermal fields. The sulfur evolution is a long and complex process in the seafloor hydrothermal system Eighteen samples of hydrothermal sediments from the Jade hydrothermal field in the central Okinawa Trough have been analyzed. Sulfur isotopic values ​​for 10 sulfide samples vary from 5.2 × 10 -3 to 7.2 × 10 -3, δ ~ 34, S values ​​for 7 sulfate samples vary from 16.3 × 10 -3 to 22.3 × 10 -3, and the value of S 1 of 8.2 ± 10 -3. The major sources of sulfur for hydrothermal sediment are intermediate to acid volcanic rocks and sea water sulfate, and it is possible that the partial sulfur of hydrothermal sediment is from the pelagic sediment by the interaction between hydrothermal fluid and sediment. The reasons of causing the distinct differences in sulfur isotopic values ​​for sulfide samples from hydrothermal sediments (compared with other hydrothermal fields), are the differences in the sources of sulfur, the magmatic activity and the tectonic evolution in different hydrothermal fields. The sulfur evolution is a long and complex process in the seafloor hydrothermal system
(V。1.6,2002) CONTENTSNO.1Fundamntal ResearchSpectral iiiiorKnowled郡 andhs Use IntheRemote Sensl吧 Basedlnverslon dVeg幻ation Structure“”””’““”””“””
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