
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hc_z
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采用分层整群抽样的方法 ,对新疆 2 4个国家级和自治区级贫困县婴幼儿、孕产妇死亡资料进行分析 ,对新疆妇女儿童目前的健康状况进行初步评价。孕产妇、婴儿、5岁以下儿童死亡率均维持在很高的水平 ,且高于全国和全疆的平均水平 ,甚至接近于世界孕产妇死亡率最高的地区 ,提示加强孕产妇保健和产后母婴管理 ,提高住院分娩率 ,强化儿童系统管理是降低两率的关键。导致婴幼儿死亡的原因仍以肺炎、腹泻、新生儿疾患和早产为主 ,因产时、产后未能提供必要的医疗服务 ,导致大出血、产褥感染是引起孕产妇死亡最直接的原因 ,加强基层妇幼系统管理 ,普及科学育儿知识 ,提供基本的医疗救助服务 ,强化健康教育力度是预防孕产妇、婴幼儿死亡的有效手段。从孕产妇及 5岁以下儿童死前就诊情况不难看出 ,死于家中和死前未就诊的死亡孕产妇及儿童死亡比例接近或高于全国边远农村水平 (72 .4%和43.3% ) ,提示合理配置卫生资源 ,加强农村医疗网点建设 ,提高从业人员业务素质 ,改善农牧民就医条件和环境 ,是一项长期而艰巨的任务 The stratified cluster sampling method was used to analyze infant and maternal mortality data from 24 nationally and regionally-controlled poverty-stricken counties in Xinjiang and to make a preliminary assessment of the current health status of women and children in Xinjiang. Maternal, infant and under-five mortality rates remained at very high levels, above national and borderline Xinjiang or even close to the highest maternal mortality in the world, suggesting that maternal health and post-natal maternal health Infant management, increasing hospital delivery rates, and strengthening child system management are the keys to reducing rates. The causes of infants and young children’s death are still pneumonia, diarrhea, neonatal diseases and premature births. The main causes of maternal death are maternal bleeding due to intrapartum and postpartum failure to provide necessary medical services, The management of grass-roots maternal and child health system, popularizing scientific child-rearing knowledge and providing basic medical assistance services and strengthening health education are effective measures to prevent maternal and infant deaths. It is not difficult to find out that the proportion of maternal and child deaths due to death at home and before death is close to or higher than that of remote rural areas nationwide (72.4% and 43.3%), It is a long-term and arduous task to prompt the rational allocation of health resources, strengthen the construction of rural medical outlets, improve the professional quality of employees and improve the medical conditions and environment for farmers and herdsmen
为研究菲律宾蛤仔Ruditapes philippinarum基因型和环境的相作效应,采用双列杂交方法构建了AA、AB、BB、BA 4个基因型家系遗传材料,分别在不同温度、盐度和养殖环境条件下养