最近收到科学技术部文件(国科发财字[2001] 340), 其中公布了科技期刊方阵的名单。中国地震局工程力学研究所主办的《地震工程与工程振动》杂志榜上有名,荣获科技期刊方阵“双效”期刊称号。 科技期刊方阵是“中国期刊方阵”的重要组成部分,代表了科技期刊的风貌
Recently received the Ministry of Science and Technology documents (State Key words [2001] 340), which published a list of sci-tech periodicals. China Earthquake Administration Institute of Engineering Mechanics, “Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,” the magazine list, won the science and technology magazine “double effect” magazine title. Science and Technology Periodicals Square is the “China Times Square” an important part of, represents the style of science and technology journals