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在综合分析吐哈盆地北部山前带致密砂岩气成藏的有利地质条件和控藏要素基础上,指出北部山前带气藏具有油气同源、源储一体、近源聚集的特点。中下侏罗统水西沟群煤系地层是一套优质烃源岩,是研究区天然气富集的主要贡献者。水西沟群沉积期,辫状河三角洲前缘水下河道砂体发育,成为气的主要富集场所。构造高部位褶皱作用强烈,裂隙、微裂隙发育,提高了致密砂体的渗透性能,平缓的斜坡区后期构造运动改造弱,有利于形成大面积原生气藏。烃源岩在新近纪-第四纪进入大量生气期,成藏较晚有利于致密砂岩气藏的保存。 Based on the comprehensive analysis of the favorable geological conditions and the factors controlling the tight sandstone gas accumulation in the piedmont belt in the northern Turpan-Hami Basin, it is pointed out that the gas reservoirs in the northern piedmont belt have the characteristics of hydrocarbon source, source and reservoir integration, and near-source accumulation. The Lower-Middle Jurassic Shui Xigou Group coal measures are a set of high-quality source rocks and are the main contributors to natural gas enrichment in the study area. In the depositional period of the Shui Xigou Group, the sand body of the underwater channel in the front of the braided river delta developed and became the main gas accumulation site. The fold of the high part of the structure is strong, and the development of fissures and micro-fissures improves the permeability of the tight sand body. The tectonic movement in the gentle slope area is weakly remodeled, which is favorable for the formation of large-area primary gas reservoirs. Source rocks in the Neogene - Quaternary into a large number of angry period, late accumulation is conducive to the preservation of tight sandstone gas reservoirs.
临床资料 我们选择了各种类型的青光眼住院病人22例,其中继发性青光眼6例,原发性慢性单纯性青光眼6例,原发性慢性闭角型青光眼5例,原发性急性闭角型青光眼5例。男12例,女10
Foreign experts have always reckoned Kazakhstan as the engine force of central Asia's economic development. Foreign experts have always reckoned Kazakhstan as
本文将近年来国内杂志上登载的一些非眼科用药在治疗眼部疾病方面应用的报道作了综合介绍,以便于医务工作者参考。1 平阳霉素赵庆新等[1]用平阳霉素治疗眼部血管瘤19例。男8例,女11例,年
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