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杜先生的分析很到位。此次装备制造业振兴规划,虽然没有量化的指标,但在方向上是完全正确的,也找出了行业发展的弊端所在,不论从短期和长期来看,对工程机械企业,尤其是上市公司都是利好的。由于一直以来采购商对国产设备抱有不信任的态度,更多的倾向于采购进口设备。此时风险补偿机制的建立,将直接提高客户对国产设备的采购力度,在一定程度上刺激对国货的需求。同时,我国的基础零部件也一直是装备制造业的软肋和心病。此次振兴规划中明确提出,对部分确有必要进口的关键部件及原材料,免征关税和进口环节增值税,这将提升产品毛利率,对行业的发展十分有利。同时也正如杜先生所说,坚持可持续发展观,对工程机械行业和整个装备制造业的发展尤为重要。 Mr. Du’s analysis is in place. The equipment manufacturing industry revitalization plan, although no quantitative indicators, but in the direction is completely correct, but also found the drawbacks of the development of the industry, both in the short and long term, the construction machinery companies, especially listed companies Are good. As buyers have always had a mistrust of domestic equipment, they tend to purchase more imported equipment. At this point the establishment of risk compensation mechanism, will directly increase the purchase of domestic equipment, efforts to a certain extent stimulate the demand for domestic products. At the same time, China’s basic components have also been the weakness and heart disease in the equipment manufacturing industry. The revitalization plan made it clear that the key components and raw materials that are indeed necessary for import will be exempted from tariffs and import value added tax, which will increase the gross profit margin of products and is very beneficial to the development of the industry. At the same time, as Du said, adhering to the concept of sustainable development is particularly important for the construction machinery industry and the entire equipment manufacturing industry.
前行者角力正酣,后来者纷纷加入战团,在现实的运力需求和经济发展比拼的驱动下,长三角正经历着一场热火朝天的港口躁动。与此同时,过剩的隐忧也悄悄浮现出来 The entourage
①Singapore Airlines新加坡航空新航班自2008年第一季度以后,A380客机将陆续交付,并将安排新加坡与英国伦敦的希思罗机场之间的每日三班中的一班。自2008年3月20日起,新航将
略显得臃肿的打印环节需要来一场健康瘦身、提高活力的“普拉提”吗?文印管理战略能否掀起这场有关应用的狂潮? Slightly bloated print links need to be a healthy weight