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一、课例描述冬天快要到来的时候,我和宁波中学高一理科班的学生一起,借助微课视频,共同走进“细节描写”的写作现场。上课伊始,我和学生分享了这些年里留在他们记忆深处的动人细节——那个老王,身处社会底层,却“哑着嗓子悄悄地问”:“你还有钱吗?”;那个母亲,曾以指叩门,只留下一句寻常的话“儿寒乎?欲食乎?”;那个项羽,竟道出“此乃沛公左司马曹无伤言之”这般毫无城府的话;那个叫英子的女孩子,纯美的目光里落满了故事……于是, First, the case description Winter is approaching, I and high school in Ningbo Science and Technology students together, with micro-video, common into the “details” “writing scene. At the beginning of the class, I shared with the students the moving details that remained in their memory during these years - the Pharaoh, who was at the bottom of society, but ”whispered quietly“: ”Do you still have money? The mothers, who used to mean knocking, leaving only an ordinary word, “cold-blooded? Want to eat?”; That Xiang Yu, actually said “This is Peipei left Sima Cao no harm ”There is no such thing as the city; the girl called Yingzi, pure eyes filled with stories ... So,
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