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章洁雯报道2016年7月8日,斯道拉恩索—华泰铜版纸战略合作暨客户会议在山东东营举办。会议期间,来自全国各地的50多位铜版纸客户代表,与斯道拉恩索集团和华泰集团代表,共同见证了“苏州紫兴SPCO”品牌的转让仪式。斯道拉恩索集团苏州工厂总经理王自力和华泰集团总经理魏文光代表合作双方签署了品牌转让备忘录。6月6日,斯道拉恩索集团宣布关闭苏州工厂之后,为了最大程度保护好客户的利益,相关团队立即展开了品牌受让合作伙伴的洽谈工作。随着初步合作 Zhang Jiewen reported that on July 8, 2016, Stora Enso-Huatai Coated Paper Strategic Cooperation and Customer Conference was held in Dongying, Shandong. During the conference, representatives of more than 50 coated paper customers from all over the country, together with representatives from Stora Enso Group and Huatai Group, witnessed the “Suzhou Zixing SPCO” brand transfer ceremony. Stora Enso Group Suzhou Plant General Manager Wang Zili and Huatai Group General Manager Wei Wenguang signed the brand transfer memorandum on behalf of the partners. On June 6th, Stora Enso Group announced the closure of the Suzhou plant. In order to maximize the protection of the interests of its customers, the relevant team immediately started the negotiation work of the brand transfer partners. With initial cooperation
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On May 16~(th),2015,State Council released Guiding Opinions on Promoting International Cooperation in Capacity Building and Equipment Manufacturing.The guiding
Recently,Hubei Jinzanyang Paper Ltd.announced that the company decided to increase the capital of recycled paper project to RMB 6billion and construct 1 million