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(1)在南方作畦地区,雜草不多的一般土壤:經过耕翻后可用本設計的开溝作畦器同时开溝作畦,如雜草較多或粘湿,則工作时將發生挂草、壅土及碎土等不良現象。(2)开溝犂头β角起初較步犁为小,到一定高度时逐漸發展較大,γ角的变化随高度而遞增,到一定高度后又逐漸遞減。如此可使土壤升到一定的高度后而滑移,減少犁头壅土現象。(3)翼板夾角大小随土壤而異,在華家池砂壤土試驗不宜大于90°,釘齒为減輕重量宜成三角形,为避免挂草,宜成弧形,向后傾斜,与地面成角应小于65°。(4)为使溝牆穩定平整,則侧板与地面所成角度不宜大于60°,同时兩側板底部后端寬度与前端宽度必須有一定的差额,約为3—4公分。为改善入土性能在兩侧板后部須有0.8公分的垂直間隙。(5)以开溝質量论,开溝作畦器优于人工,以畦碎土情况論,則人工的优于开溝作畦器。(6)开溝作畦器可能配合步犂,双轮双铧犁等工作。(7)开溝重复次數不宜超过二次,使用时間应接着耕翻之后,不然質量不佳。(8)开溝作畦器的效率随地区增長而逐漸提高,当地区長为65—515尺,开溝作畦器工作一次,可提高效率2.0—14.3倍,工作二次可提高效率1.5—9.9倍,即使碎土困难,工作一次再由人輔助碎土,仍可提高工作效率0.9—2.3倍。(9)在耕翻后的砂質壤土上工作,阻力为125—150公斤,体力較强的一头水牛牽引即可,弱的須兩头水牛牽引。 (1) In the southern part of the country, weeds are not common soil: After tilling the design can be used as a trencher for ditches while trenching, such as weeds more or sticky, the work will be Occurred hanging hay, soil and broken soil and other undesirable phenomena. (2) The angle β of the furrow plowshare is smaller than that of the plow at first, and gradually increases to a certain height. The variation of γ angle increases with the height, and then decreases gradually to a certain height. So that the soil can rise to a certain height after the slip, reducing the phenomenon of plowshare soil. (3) The angle between the wings varies with the soil. The sand loam soil test in Huajiachi should not be more than 90 °. The teeth should be triangular to reduce the weight. To avoid hauling, it should be curved, backward inclined, Angle should be less than 65 °. (4) In order to make the ditch wall stable and smooth, the angle between the side plate and the ground should not be greater than 60 °. Meanwhile, there must be a certain difference between the width of the rear end of the bottom plate and the width of the front end, which is about 3-4 cm. In order to improve the soil performance in the back of both sides of the board must have a vertical clearance of 0.8 cm. (5) In terms of the quality of the ditches, the ditches are better than the ditches and the ditches are better than the ditches. (6) Trenching may be used as trowel with plow, double-plow and other work plow. (7) The number of ditches should not exceed twice, the use of time should be followed by plowing, or poor quality. (8) The efficiency of the ditches is gradually increased with the growth of the area. The length of the area is 65-515 feet. Once the ditches work as a billet, the efficiency can be increased by 2.0-14.3 times. The second work can improve the efficiency by 1.5-9.9 Times, even if it is difficult to break the soil, work once again assisted by soil crushing, can still improve work efficiency 0.9-2.3 times. (9) work in the plowed sandy loam, the resistance of 125-150 kg, a buffalo physical strength can be towed, the weak to be two buffalo traction.
畜力蒲滚是我省大部分地区,特别是大面积种植双季稻的地区广泛采用的一种整地农具。它在水田整地过程中主要起着以下几个作用: 1.夏轧连作晚稻原浆田:早稻收割后,直接用它轧
冬 雨  冻云托迹几踟躇,借得北风身自如。  先捧清心湿原野,还凭薄面叩庭除。  凝珠万颗妆梅瘦,曳线千条补柳疏。  草木苦寒应识我,虽无温厚却苏舒。  萤火虫  自出芸芸碧草丛,有心奋翅向高穹。  清光照夜银河合,远影迎晨玉阙通。  智比陈王表中句,勤如武子案头功。  来年但得蟠桃熟,一聚瑶池共阜丰。  咏木芙蓉  蜀地因情久做家,喜逢知己展光華。  飞如白羽临朝日,翻作红颜醉晚霞。  是处新霜
泰州苏北电机厂,为了支持农村两户发展商品生产,于一九八三年下半年,利用泰州渔场的四个沼气池(总容积260立方米),对182型汽油机全部改烧沼气成功。如图所示。 In order to