Outward Bound

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  Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region makesa crescent arc along China’s northern border.On its northernmost tip is Hulun Buirprefecture, famous as the birthplace of GenghisKhan. Sharing borders with both Mongolia andRussia, Hulun Buir is covered with serpentinerivers that draw sensuous curves through verdantgrasslands. Its inhabitants are primarily farmersand herders. With over 260,000 square kmin area, and 2.7 million inhabitants, this land ofdesert, steppe, and forests, is one of China’s mostpristine regions. However, China’s rapid developmentaffects even its most remote borderlands.Hulun Buir is changing quickly. Roads are beingconstructed to connect once isolated villagesto larger towns. Dirt paths are replaced withpavement. In step with improving infrastructureis increasing tourism.
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China’s publiclyfinanced supportfor overseas tradeand investmentthrough export creditagencies is inspirednot by Maoism orcolonialism, butrather by the policiesdeveloped by the U.S.and Western Europeaf
Kenya’s march toward a middle-incomeeconomy within the next two decadesgot a much-needed boost with thepromulgation of the country’s new Constitutionon August 27, 2010. The brand-new legalregime shoul
Cheng Ajuan stands disconcerted at theend of a long queue. “Please keep in line,”drone the staffers around her. She iswaiting to take the entrance exam required tobecome a village official.
Just imagine if, on a clear night, all the smokers around the world got together, lighting their cigarettesand blowing smoke out into the air. If you could look down from the sky at that moment, youwo
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The rich and colorful cultural activitiesat the Shanghai World Expo are greatto explore during this last month ofthe event’s run. During the Expo’s 180-dayrun, visitors have experienced more than1,000
China has long been known for its largepopulation of bicyclists. Cycling has becomesuch an ordinary part of life thatno one pays much attention to it. However, atthe Shanghai World Expo’s African Join
With trade of over $100 billion in 2009, the importance of China andAfrica bilateral exchanges are growing daily. This blooming relationshipincreases the need of understanding the ways of doing busine