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英国一些当红作家的忠实拥趸们把掏钱露脸的虚荣出版推向了新的高潮:他们出价数千磅以求在作家们的新作中占有一席之地并由此不朽。尼克·霍恩比、罗丝·特蕾曼和凯茜·勒蒂等作家拍卖了他们即将推出的作品中的一些角色,以便为医学基金会筹集款项。该基金会总部位于伦敦,旨在为受虐待者提供帮助。据基金会发言人佩蒂·科尔曼说,来自英吉利海峡格雷西岛的茜莲·格林叫出了这次拍卖会的最高价。为了在凯茜·勒蒂的新作《难分伯仲》中露个面,她愿意付 The loyal fans of some popular English writers have pushed their vanity publications to a new climax: They bid thousands of pounds in order to gain a place in the new works of writers and thus immortality. Writers such as Nick Hornby, Rose Tereman, and Cathy Leet auctioned some of their upcoming titles to raise money for the Medical Foundation. The foundation is headquartered in London and is designed to assist victims of abuse. According to Foundation spokeswoman Petty Coleman, Qian Lin Green from Gressy Channel in the English Channel named the highest bid for the auction. She is willing to pay for a face-lift in Kathy Leti’s new book, The Never Ends
A be Rosten was a rich man buthe always went to work bytrain.He always sat with his friendSam Stein.The two men were oldfriends,but they did not talk verymuch.
Henry was a great reader.One day he read abook and said,“Is this a true story,Father?”“What does it matter?”said his father.“Somestories are true and some
一、对比夸张式演示,给技术动作的认识创造支点rn 学生对技术动作认识的深度足分层次的,认识的最高层次是在较短的时间内对技术动作有一个全面、准确的表象认识,要把握好这一
这则寓言的寓意不言自明,想多说一句的是:千万别上了不狡猾的老狐狸的当! One hot summer day,Grandfather Fox trotting along a deep forest trailcame to the edge of a
The permeabilities of fault rocks from the rupture of Wenchuan earthquake were measured by using nitrogen gas and distilled water as pore fluids under the confi