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在形容艺术生命的时候,人们常用“永葆青春”之类的词句。其实,世上哪有“永葆”之事呢?世界万物都有消长兴衰,谁个又能例外?唯物主义的科学态度应该是分析主客观条件的变化,研究消长兴衰的规律,使之顺时应世,适应时代的要求,这才是推进艺术发展之道。前几年可不敢对某一门艺术的前途说三道四,而今《戏剧报》从今年第一期起公然讨论话剧的出路,这是实事求是精神的胜利。我饶有兴味地读了这些参加讨论的文章,觉得从“微观”的角度,即从某一局部现象来看,它们说得都有道理,但从“宏观”的角度,即从整个社会文化构成的变化来看活剧的前景,似乎都不能解决我所思考的问题。话剧将失去广泛的群众性。现在讨论话剧的景气与不景气,都是与话剧的最昌盛时期相比而言。大家所期待于话剧之振兴者,也是希望达到或超过五、六十年代的鼎 In describing the art of life, people often use the phrase “forever young” and the like. In fact, in the world where there is “forever” thing? All things in the world have the rise and fall of growth and decline, who can be the exception? The materialist scientific attitude should be to analyze changes in the subjective and objective conditions, study the law of growth and decline, Should be the world, to adapt to the requirements of the times, this is the way to promote the development of the arts. A few years ago, he could not dare to make irresponsible remarks on the future of a certain art. Now that the “Drama Newspaper” has openly discussed the way out of drama since the first phase of this year, it is a victory of seeking truth from facts. I am very interested in reading these articles that participate in the discussion and think that from a micro point of view, that is, from a partial phenomenon, they make sense, but from the “macro” point of view, that is, from the entire social and cultural The composition of the change in terms of prospects for live shows, it seems that I can not solve the problem of thinking. Drama will lose a wide range of mass. Now discuss the drama of the economy and depression, are compared with the drama’s most prosperous period. We all look forward to the revival of drama, but also hope to achieve or exceed the five or sixties Ding
摘 要:培养学生集体主义观念,重视体育教师自身的言传身教,注重提高学生的体育道德水平。重视学生个性发展,注重以情感人教学 重视体育教学语言的艺术示范作用。  关键词:体育教学 进行 德育教育    学校体育工作是提高青少年全面素质和健康成长不可缺少的重要组成部分。学校体育工作在贯彻实施素质教育过程中起着重要的作用。作为教师,教书育人,管教管导,时刻重视对学生进行德育教育,这是教师职业道德规范要求所
银钟树Halesia magregorii又名银钟花,属野茉莉科(安息香科)银钟树属。全属约5种,我国仅一种。零星分布于湖南,广东,福建与浙江交界的泰顺、龙泉县山区及广西西北部,据调查资