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当前,独立董事的设置已成普遍趋势,但在关于独立董事对提高公司治理质量,提升公司业绩和维护股东利益的实际效用方面,理论界却一直存在着争议,因此,论证独立董事制度治理效应的实证研究,已成为我国公司治理和会计理论研究中一个十分重要的论题。 At present, the setting of independent directors has become a general trend. However, the theoretical circle has been controversial regarding the practical effects of independent directors on improving the quality of corporate governance, improving corporate performance and safeguarding the interests of shareholders. Therefore, it is argued that the effect of governance by independent directors Empirical research has become a very important topic in the study of corporate governance and accounting theory in our country.
Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) persistently colonizes the gastric mucosa despite a vigorous immune response. Vacuolating cytotoxin secreted by H. Pylori has tu
Objective To investigate the oxidative damage to lung tissue and peripherial blood in PM2.5-treated rats.Methods PM2.5 samples were collected using an auto-samp
smids were constructed suc-cessfully, and SARS-CoV encoding proteins could activate transcription and expression of hfgl2 gene.
资源税改革已经箭在弦上,但仍有很多需要完善的地方,在改革的过程中要充分考虑买际情况、平衡各方利益,以便更好地在全国推广。 Resource tax reform has been on the verge
We investigated the effects of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) transplantation on the recovery of neurological functions in rats MCAO (middle
Objective To investigate the subchronic toxicity of soy isoflavones (SIF) in male rats. Method Fifty Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 5 groups,10
nioma endothelial cells.
m trophoblast cells stimulated by LPS.