
来源 :中国花鸟画 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:callingme
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2007年3月14日是国画大师潘天寿先生诞辰110周年纪念日。为深切缅怀大师的艺术成就和道德风尚,继承优秀民族文化传统,建设社会主义和谐文化,推进文化强县建设,中共浙江宁海县委、宁海县人民政府在宁海隆重举行了纪念潘天寿诞辰110周年大会暨潘天寿艺术中心落成典礼。浙江省、市有关部门领导,潘天寿先生亲属,来自全国各地的书画家,各级新闻媒体记者,兄弟县(市)、区文联领导及书画家代表,宁海籍在外地的部分书画家以及宁海县四套班子领导和社会各界代表参加了大会暨典礼。中央美术学院院长、中国美术家协会副主席潘公凯先生,中国美术学院副院长刘健先生,中共宁波市委副书记唐一军先生,浙江省政协常务副主席梁平波先生以及中国文联副主席冯远先生,中共宁海县委书记林静国先生先后致词,随后潘公凯先生向新落成的潘天寿艺术中心赠送了馆藏作品,王家扬先生(浙江省政协原主席)、陈敏尔先生(中共浙江省委常委、宣传部部长)、冯远先生、梁平波先生、潘公凯先生、唐一军先生、刘健及林静国先生为宁海县潘天寿艺术中心的落成进行了剪彩。 March 14, 2007 is the 110th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Pan Tianshou, the master of Chinese painting. In order to deeply cherish the artistic achievements and moral demeanor of the masters, to inherit the excellent national and cultural traditions, to build a harmonious socialist culture and to promote the building of a strong culture county, the CPC Zhejiang Ninghai County Committee and Ninghai County People’s Government held a grand meeting in Ninghai to mark the 110th anniversary of Pan Tianshou’s birthday Completion of the Pantiance Art Center and the inauguration ceremony. Zhejiang Province, the relevant departments of the leaders, relatives of Mr. Pan Tianshou, calligraphies and painters from all over the country, news media reporters at all levels, fraternal counties (cities), district leaders and calligraphers representative, Ninghai Ji in the field part of calligrapher and Ninghai Four county team leaders and representatives from all walks of life attended the ceremony. Mr. Pan Gongkai, dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, vice chairman of China Artists Association, Mr. Liu Jian, vice president of China Academy of Art, Mr. Tang Yijun, deputy secretary of CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee, Mr. Liang Pingbo, standing vice chairman of CPPCC Zhejiang Province, and Mr. Feng Yuan, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Mr. Lin Jingguo, Party Secretary of Ninghai CPC Committee delivered speeches successively. Afterwards, Mr. Pan Gongkai presented his collection to the newly-built Pan Tianshou Art Center. Mr. Wang Jiayang (former chairman of CPPCC Zhejiang Committee) and Mr. Chen Miner (Propaganda Department of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Propaganda Department Minister Feng Yuan, Mr. Liang Pingbo, Mr. Pan Gongkai, Mr. Tang Yijun, Mr. Liu Jian and Mr. Lin Jingguo cut the ribbon for the completion of Pan Tianshou Art Center in Ninghai County.
目的 分析2014-2019年广州市涂阳肺结核患者流行病学特征,为制定肺结核防治措施提供科学依据.方法 通过《中国疾病预防控制信息系统》的子系统《结核病信息管理系统》,收集广
目的 分析多中心儿童肾脏恶性肿瘤多学科综合治疗(MDT)下的长期疗效.方法 收集2015年1月至2020年1月在湖南省3家医院经MDT流程诊治的55例肾脏恶性肿瘤患儿的临床资料,治疗方