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近年来,随着高校毕业生人数的增加,出现了大规模的“公务员热”现象。从经济学角度,可以将“公务员热”的原因分为三个方面:首先,从大学生角度,参加公务员考试是就业偏好的选择;其次,从家庭角度,参加公务员考试是家庭在一定的教育投入下,寻求“产出”最大化的结果;最后,从高校方面,一些专业的“供给”与市场的“需求”不匹配,使高校毕业生面临结构失业的问题,为了走出“毕业=失业”的怪圈,许多高校毕业生加入到公务员考试大军中。从宏观层面来说,公务员考试不仅关系到高校毕业生的就业,更关系到人力资本在各行各业的分配,关系到国民经济持续健康的发展。为使公务员考试降温,毕业生应根据自身所学及偏好,使自己所学专业技能得到最大发挥。家长应把眼光放长远,运用边际效用分析,使自己的子女一生的效用达到最大化。高校要适时根据市场对人才的需要,调整专业的设置。 In recent years, with the increase of the number of college graduates, there has been a large-scale phenomenon of “civil servant fever.” From an economic point of view, we can divide the causes of “civil servant fever” into three aspects: First, from a university student’s perspective, taking a civil service exam is an employment preference; secondly, from a family perspective, taking a civil service exam is a must for a family Finally, from the perspective of colleges and universities, some professional “supply” does not match with “market demand”, so that college graduates face the problem of structural unemployment , In order to get out of the “graduation = unemployment” circle, many university graduates to join the civil service examination army. From a macro perspective, the civil service examination not only relates to the employment of college graduates, but also the distribution of human capital in all walks of life, which is related to the sustained and healthy development of the national economy. In order to cool the civil service exams, graduates should, according to their own learning and preferences, make their own learned professional skills to maximize play. Parents should take a long-term view, the use of marginal utility analysis, to maximize the effectiveness of their children’s lives. Colleges and universities should be based on the timely market demand for talent, adjust the professional settings.
<正> 中国是好学之邦。&#39;比学赶帮超&#39;、&#39;工业学大庆&#39;、&#39;农业学大寨&#39;都曾经是红极一时的口号。如今,那种大轰大嗡的&#39;学习&#39;之风虽然不多见了,
含氧量正常的氦氧混合气(79%He-21%O2)可以提高慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者的运动耐量,但此种益处是否可以提高自主运动肌肉的供氧尚待进一步研究。为了了解氦氧混合气在中到重度COPD患者运动时的外周供氧和利用,巴西圣保罗联邦大学的Chiappa GR等进行了研究,并将其结果发表在2009年3月的Am J Respir Crit Care Med杂志上。