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正值中共中央发出《关于加强和改进思想政治工作的若干意见》之际,农工党华东思想政治工作会议于11月8日至10日在苏州举行。农工党中央副主席宋金升,农工党中央副主席、省委会主委朱兆良,农工党中央宣传部部长李汉秋及农工党华东各省市分管宣传思想工作的同志出席了会议。省农工党副主委孙国治主持会议。会议认真学习中共中央《关于加强和改进思想政治工作的若干意见》,并在充分调查研究的基础上,分析了农工党成员的思想状况,认为在当前改革的攻坚阶段和发展的关键时期,民主党派同样要高度重视并加强和改进思想政治工作。要从完成参政议政和自身建设双重任务的高度,不断根据因经济成份和经济利益多样化、社会生活方式多样化、 At a time when the CPC Central Committee issued the “Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work,” the meeting of the Peasants ’Workers’ Party in East China on ideological and political work was held in Suzhou from November 8 to November 10. Song Jinsheng, vice chairman of the Central Party Committee of the Chinese Workers ’Party, Zhu Zhaoliang, vice chairman of the Central Party Committee of the Peasants’ Party, director of the provincial party committee, Li Hanqiu, director of the Central Propaganda Department of the Peasants ’Party, and comrades of the propaganda and ideological work of all the Peasants’ Party members and provinces in East China attended the meeting. Provincial Agricultural Party vice chairman Sun Guozhi presided over the meeting. The meeting conscientiously studied the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work and, on the basis of full investigation and study, analyzed the ideological conditions of the members of the Peasants Party and held that at the crucial stage of the current reform and the critical period of development, the democracy The party also needs to attach great importance to and strengthen and improve ideological and political work. From the height of accomplishing the dual tasks of participating in politics deliberation and self-building, according to the continuous diversification of the social life style due to the diversification of economic composition and economic interests,
前不久,某电视台报道了一则某地掀起兴修水利热潮的消息,其中有这样一个镜头:一辆标有准载1吨字样的农用运输车却载着一群手持劳动工具的村民开赴工地。 大搞水利建设是一件好事,
为研究肝病患者胃粘膜表面改变,对11 例进行了观察。先经内镜由胃体小弯、胃角、胃窦小弯采取粘膜活检,HE染色,光镜下检查。病理及扫描电镜按常规方法制备标本,日立S520扫描