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减少人口压力,减少植被破坏,帮助群众脱贫致富,再造秀美山川是隆德县的战略举措。八十年代以来,自治区提出“以川济山,山川共济”的扶贫政策。至今,隆德县已累计迁出移民4万余人。2001年,自治区党委、政府召开了专题会议,转批了《自治区发展计划委员会关于实施国家异地扶贫移民开发试点项目的意见》。隆德县按照自治区党委、政府及区计委的要求,组织有关部门,以隆德县发展和改革局牵头,成立了由分管县长任组长,计划部门的领导任副组长,财政、民政、农业、林业、土地、公安、交通监察及涉迁乡镇领导为成员的生态移民搬迁领导小组,在县计委设立办公室,负责具体事宜。由于实施过吊庄移民,因此,群众对搬迁并不陌生。但生态移民要求整村整组搬迁,势必存在很多具体问题。为了达到整体搬迁的目的,不留尾巴,移民办公室的同志走村串户,了解情况,宣传动员,先后走访农户300多家,今昔对比,循循善诱,由将来的发展谈到孩子上学,由经济困难谈到发家致富,由吃水难行路难谈到外面精彩的世界。一户一户地转,一个人一个人地谈,冰释着群众的抵触情绪。正如梁占祥老人说的一样:“我本来打算在这马鹿沟养老送终,但移民干部的开导规劝,说得我就想去喝几口黄河水,走几天平坦路,给咱们的娃娃占一块好地方。” Reduce population pressure, reduce vegetation damage, help the masses to get rid of poverty and rebuild the beautiful mountains and rivers is a strategic move in Lund County. Since the 1980s, the autonomous region has put forward the pro-poor policy of “using Sichuan Province and mountains and rivers to help each other.” Up to now, Lund County has totally evacuated more than 40,000 immigrants. In 2001, the autonomous regional party committee and government held a special meeting and approved the “Opinions of the Autonomous Region Development Planning Commission on Implementing National Pilot Projects for Poverty Alleviation and Development in Other Places”. Lund County in accordance with the requirements of the regional party committee, government and district planning commission, organize the relevant departments to Lund County Development and Reform Bureau, led by the county head set up in charge of the leadership of the planning department as deputy head of the finance, The leading group for ecological relocation and relocation of the leaders of civil affairs, agriculture, forestry, land, public security, traffic monitoring and relocation townships and townships shall set up an office in the county planning commission to take charge of specific issues. Due to the implementation of CZZ immigration, therefore, the masses are no strangers to the relocation. However, ecological migration requires the entire village to relocate, and there are bound to be many specific problems. In order to achieve the purpose of overall relocation, without leaving a tail, the comrades of the resettlement offices walked the village to familiarize themselves with the situation and publicize the mobilization. They visited more than 300 farmers in a timely manner and compared the past and the present. They persuaded them to go to school from the future development and from economic difficulties When it comes to making a fortune, it is hard to talk about the wonderful world from the hard-to-eat road. One household to one transfer, one by one to talk about the ice release of the masses of resistance. As Liang Zhaoxiang said the same: “I had intended to feed the elders in this red deer furrows, but the immigration cadre enlightenment, to put it right, I would like to drink a few mouthfuls of the Yellow River water, take a few days a smooth road to our doll accounted A good place. ”
COMMUNICATIONS infrastructure in An- hui Province has improved by leaps and bounds. In just a few years, the province hasestablishedamoderncommunications networ
新闻背景: 2006年12月7日,一年一度的中央经济工作会议闭幕。这次会议明确提出国民经济要“又好又快”发展。与过去“又快又好”发展的提法不同,这次,“好”字排在了“快”字
为适应生产大型机床制芯工作的需要,经多次试验,研究,由流态砂改为赤泥自硬砂。目前,我车间80%的泥芯用自硬砂生产,大至八吨,小至几斤。赤泥自硬砂特点(与粘土砂相比): 1.工