如果没有中国的四大发明就没有欧洲的文艺复兴,也就没有今天人类如此发展的文明程度。这样说是毫不过分的。如果祖先留给我们的丰厚遗产已只是作茶余饭后的谈资时,不知我们这些子孙是否感到过愧疚和心悸。 当大街上、书桌上满是进口材料印制成的色彩斑谰的书刊画报时,谁还会留意一种用宣纸印刷甚至书写而成的书籍呢。据说宣纸是用一种叫做萱草的植物加工而成的,宣纸也叫“千年纸”,它的手感和质地会经岁月的流逝而越发绵软,轻薄却不会脆裂。由它书写和印制成的书籍在这个高科技发达的年代里已显得孤寂、安宁,且弥存着它那发自深处历久的沉香……
Without the Renaissance in Europe without the four great inventions in China, there would be no civilization that has so developed for mankind today. It is fair to say this. If the ancestors left us a generous legacy that has only been spent on gossip, I wonder if these children and grandchildren feel guilty and palpitations. When the street, the desk is full of imported materials printed in colorful painted books and periodicals, who will pay attention to a paper printed or even made of paper from it. It is said that rice paper is made from a plant called Hemerocallis, also known as “Thousand Year Paper”. Its feel and texture will be more and more soft with the passage of years and will not be fragile. The books written and printed by it have become lonely and tranquil in this high-tech age, and they have preserved its long-lasting fragrance from the depths ...