Design of Robot Welding Seam Tracking System with Structured Light Vision

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianghai9
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Robot welding is an important developing direction of welding automation and intelligentization, and automatic seam tracking technology is one of principal research domains. Nowadays, seam tracking system with structured light vision becomes a hot research. Structured light vision seam tracking products abroad are generally very expensive and can only be applied on special occasions. In China, the research of structured light vision seam tracking system is still just on the stage of experiments. A robot real-time seam tracking system with line structured light vision is designed. The hardware system is set up, a filtering method for line structure seam image is improved, and compared with common filtering, it has better effect and characteristic of real time. Two methods, fast template matching and fast Hough transform, to recognize the image coordinates of seam center are improved. Two new image recognition methods, structure element matching and corner detecting, are proposed. The comparison of seam image recognition shows that fast template matching and corner detecting are more precise and stable than the other two methods, and corner detecting is the best in real time. A simultaneous calibration for camera parameters and robot hand-eye is also proposed, and calculation shows that the calibration is effective and feasible. The robot seam tracking tests for linear and folded lap-joint are performed, which are based on the above four image recognition methods, and the results indicate that four image recognition methods are all applicable to real-time seam tracking, and the whole system sufficed for the requirements of real-time seam tracking. Automatic seam tracking with line structured light vision is feasible and has good versatility.
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