八月职场趋于平稳 兼职会计师方兴未艾

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进入八月,虽然仍旧烈日当头,但毕竟掺入了几丝清凉之气。和天气的变化相应,近期的职场走势也趋于平稳。从中华英才网本期职场榜上,电信、IT企业占据了十大人气企业中的多数席位,上榜企业基本维持了近几期在榜单上的地位。但大平稳之下也不乏新鲜的元素,招商银行、中粮可口可乐跻身人气企业 TOP 10。 Into August, although still hot sun, but after all, mixed with a few years of cool gas. Corresponding to changes in the weather, the recent trend of the workplace tends to be stable. From the ChinaHR website current career standings, telecommunications, IT companies accounted for the majority of the top ten popular seats in the enterprise list basically maintained the status of the recent list. However, there is no shortage of fresh elements under the stable conditions. China Merchants Bank and COFCO Coca-Cola ranked among the top 10 popular enterprises.
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