企业转机制 班组怎么办

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一、当前班组建设工作存在的主要问题 企业在充满激烈竞争的市场经济面前,对班组建设有的未能持之以恒,有的仅作勉强应付,有的干脆置于脑后,在思想上、行动上有诸多不适应之处。主要表现在: 一是认识上不适应。有的企业管理部门和基层单位对班组建设往往产生“以包代管”、“以改代管”倾向,有的企业领导认为抓经营、赚钞票是企业大事,班组建设搞与不搞无所谓。 二是管理上不适应。一些企业班组基础管理不扎实,动态管理不落实,系统管理不形成,企业班组建设职能部门管理职责不清,致使班组建设必须具备的专业化管理缺乏专业化指导。 三是方法上不适应。有的企业开展班组建设在方法上还是搞形式主义,按“老一套”办事,仅停留在记记台帐,搞个班组园地,应付上级检查上,并无实质性进展。更有甚者班组建设已经停顿,班组安全、质量、物耗、服务、信誉等已无人过问。 I. The main problems existing in the current team construction work In the face of a fiercely competitive market economy, companies have failed to persevere in the formation of their classes, and some have only reluctantly coped with it, and others have simply put their heads behind their heads, thinking and acting. There are many unsuitable places. Mainly manifested in: First, it is not suitable for understanding. Some enterprise management departments and grass-roots units tend to have a tendency to “rely on behalf of a package” and “relying to change management”. Some enterprise leaders believe that grasping operations and earning banknotes is a major business event, and team-building and construction do not matter. The second is that management does not adapt. Some enterprise teams do not have a solid foundation management, dynamic management is not implemented, system management is not formed, and the management functions of corporate team construction function departments are unclear, resulting in the lack of specialized guidance for professional management of team construction. The third method is not adapted. Some enterprises still engage in formalism in the construction of team work. According to the “old-fashioned” approach, they only stay on the record account, carry out a class field, and deal with inspections by superiors. No substantive progress has been made. Even worse, the construction of the team has been suspended, and the safety, quality, material consumption, service, and reputation of the team have been left unattended.
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