Adaptive optical focusing through perturbed scattering media with a dynamic mutation algorithm

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haschie
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Optical imaging through or inside scattering media, such as multimode fiber and biological tissues, has a significant impact in biomedicine yet is considered challenging due to the strong scattering nature of light. In the past decade, promising progress has been made in the field, largely benefiting from the invention of iterative optical wavefront shaping, with which deep-tissue high-resolution optical focusing and hence imaging becomes possible. Most of the reported iterative algorithms can overcome small perturbations on the noise level but fail to effectively adapt beyond the noise level, e.g., sudden strong perturbations. Reoptimizations are usually needed for significant decorrelation to the medium since these algorithms heavily rely on the optimization performance in the previous iterations. Such ineffectiveness is probably due to the absence of a metric that can gauge the deviation of the instant wavefront from the optimum compensation based on the concurrently measured optical focusing. In this study, a square rule of binary-amplitude modulation, directly relating the measured focusing performance with the error in the optimized wavefront, is theoretically proved and experimentally validated. With this simple rule, it is feasible to quantify how many pixels on the spatial light modulator incorrectly modulate the wavefront for the instant status of the medium or the whole system. As an example of application, we propose a novel algorithm, the dynamic mutation algorithm, which has high adaptability against perturbations by probing how far the optimization has gone toward the theoretically optimal performance. The diminished focus of scattered light can be effectively recovered when perturbations to the medium cause a significant drop in the focusing performance, which no existing algorithms can achieve due to their inherent strong dependence on previous optimizations. With further improvement, the square rule and the new algorithm may boost or inspire many applications, such as high-resolution optical imaging and stimulation, in instable or dynamic scattering environments.
利用Cu离子交换技术制备了BK7玻璃平面光波导,在632.8 nm波长下,用棱镜耦合技术测量出所制备波导的有效折射率,利用反WKB方法计算并确定了平面光波导的折射率分布,通过对折射率分布进行函数拟合,发现离子交换后的样品折射率分布近似符合改进后的高斯分布,样品的折射率分布似乎是一个掩埋波导的折射率分布,求出所制备玻璃平面光波导在570℃的扩散系数De≈1.2133×10-14 m2/s。同时,对所制备波导进行了电子显微镜(EMS)和次级离子质谱(SIMS)测试,得到了铜离子在玻璃表面的浓度分布,从而证明了
应用一种新的激光弯曲成形工艺,通过施加位移约束,使厚度为0.1 mm的304不锈钢箔加热区产生预期的预应力分布。针对激光弯曲成形的特点,建立三维热力耦合模型,基于塑性皱曲机制(BM),对三种不同预约束应力状态下微尺度激光弯曲成形过程进行数值模拟。通过对比三种不同模型的模拟结果,分析了预约束应力作用下,微尺度激光弯曲成形的成形机制。研究发现,预应力作用下激光弯曲成形是热应力与预应力综合作用的结果,在预应力作用下激光弯曲成形效果显著增加。在塑性皱曲机制下,通过控制预约束作用的方向和大小以及选择合适的激光工艺参
We designed a novel and low switching-power all-optical fiber switch. The highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and the bidirectionally pumped Er3 doped fiber amplifier are inserted into the Sagnac loop mirror simultaneously. Therefore, the symme
在980 nm激光激发下,Er3 /Yb3 共掺的发光材料既可以在可见光范围产生上转换发光,也可以在近红外波段产生下转换发光,二者存在竞争关系。本文利用熔融淬火法制备了一系列掺杂不同Er3 /Yb3 浓度的氟氧化物玻璃陶瓷,测量了样品在980 nm激光激发下的上转换及下转换发射光谱。研究发现,改变Er3 的掺杂浓度可以调控上下转换的发光强度。在此基础上,提出了上下转换发光的能量传递模型。本文的研究结果有利于该类材料在不同领域中的应用。