Decades of Devotion

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  The dispatch of medical corps toMauritania by the ChincscGovernment was initiated in April1968, with Heilongjiang Provincein northeast China assigned the task.Over the past 38 years, more than 1,000medical workers from Heilongjiang treatednearly 1 million patients in Mauritania.
They say drastic times call fordrastic measures. Evidence ofthis was seen in YunnanProvince recently after an out-break of rabies prompted authorities to goon a dog hunt using wooden poles andpitch
Unable to stop fighting between Hezbollahand Israel, the UN is increasingly under fire  As fighting between Israeli forcesand Lebanon-based Hezbollahguerrillas continues, Chinesepeacekeepers were
To straighten out the export sector, thegovernment is targeting low—price exporters  In a trade transaction earlier this year,XuQinghua made essentially nothing.Inthat trade,as his competitors quotedz
The establishment of the spokesperson system is seenas a mark of social progress in China. From 1983,when the first spokesperson was named at the Chinese Foreign Ministry, to 2003, when the system was
Fangshan is an impoverishedbackwater county in NorthChina’s Shanxi Province. It nor-mally flies under the radar,but inMay 2006,something happenedto drag it into the national arena. All sevenInte
In his famous novel Lost Horizon, writtenover 70 years ago, British author JamesHilton described legendary Shangri-la, apeaceful, mystical retreat in the remotemountains of southwest China. Thispiece
If the South African Government’s policy of limiting the importation ofChinese textile products had been implemented, the textile shelves inAfrica’s most developed cconomy would be empty. Perhaps it i
Beijing is feeling mounting pressurefrom China’s runaway economy,which grew 10.9 percent in the firsthalf of this year. On July 21 and26, the Central Governmentsummoned two high-level meetings tochart
The United Nations has 21 agencies in Beijing, involved inalmost all aspects of cooperation, from economic reform tohuman rights issues.
It has been more than half a century sincethe friendship between New China andAfrican countries was forged. In the pastdecades, the peoples and governmentsof China and Africa have supportedeach other