In 557 BC, in the first year of Jinping, Jin Zhongzhong, coach of the Central Military Army of Jin Dynasty, defeated Chu Army in the battle of Zhanhan and revived the kingdom of Jin and dominating the country. In one fell swoop, it laid the foundation for peace and stability in the Central Plains for nearly half a century. The heyday of the era. After 2,500 years, in 1957, archaeologists discovered the site of Jin Du Xinti in this period in Houma City, Shanxi Province, and excavated a large-scale bronze square in the eastern Zhou Dynasty in the ancient city of Niu Cun. In the area of nearly 200,000 square meters, unearthed more than 50,000 pieces of cast copper pottery, as big as one bells, small empty cloth (Jin currency), a wide range of class, an unprecedented ... American archaeologists Robert Berg