Margaret s Letter

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  Jack is going to take care of his Auntie Margaret’s flat while she is on holiday. She needs someone to come by and feed her cat and her parrot.
  When he arrives, he finds a long note on the doormat. Read the note and write short answers to the questions below.
  Sorry I can’t wait for you to arrive. It’s now four o’clock and I must hurry to catch the train. I don’t think you’ll have any problems. I’ve left a few notes around the flat to help you.
  The most important thing is to remember to take the keys every time when you go out, so that you can get back in again. You must feed Tootsie twice a day. I’ve left her food for tonight in the fridge. Don’t give her any more milk today (see note on fridge). Please give Polly her usual quantity of seed this evening.
  I’m sure your mother knows where everything is, so phone her if you can’t find anything. If anything goes wrong, you can phone me at 5651351.
  See you next week.
   Auntie Margaret
  A. 根據留言条的内容,回答下列问题。
  1. At what time did Auntie Margaret write the note?
  2. What must Jack remember to do when he goes out every time?
  3. Where’s Tootsie’s food for tonight?
  4. Who knows where everything is?
  5. At what number can Jack phone to speak to Auntie Margaret?
  B. 在短文中找出下列单词的同义词或近义词。
  1. rush        __________________
  2. difficulties     __________________
  3. put        __________________
  4. normal          __________________
  5. certain          __________________
  C. 找出并改正错误。
  In the kitchen, Jack finds a list of things he must do every day. Auntie Margaret wrote the list in a great hurry. She made five spelling mistakes. Find each one and write the correct spelling at the bottom.
  ◎Feed Tootsie and Polly every day (see note on fridge door).
  ◎Sweap the floor and put the rubish out every evening.
  ◎Lok the doors and windows before you go to bed.
  ◎Leave the hall light on if you go out in the evening.
  ◎Help youself to anything you want to eat.
  ◎Spray round the doors and windows if there are a lot of insects (昆虫).
  ◎Don’t leave the TV turned on all right.
  1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________
  4. __________ 5. __________
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