时代潮 风雨同行

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岁末年初,人们总要回顾过去一年的耕耘和收获,回顾流过的汗水和付出过的艰辛;同时也要畅想新一年的丰收和快乐。在过去的一年中,《时代潮》秉承理性、独到、深刻的办刊宗旨,站在时代的前沿,反映时代风貌,弘扬时代精神,展示时代风采,唱响时代旋律,为改革开放讴歌,为强国富民鼓劲,为清除腐败呐喊! 2004年,《时代潮》将充分依托人民日报社强大的高端资讯背景和国内外专才智库,继续为广大读者提供重大时政新闻的权威报道、政经焦点话题 At the beginning of the year and the beginning of the new year, people should always review the hard work and harvest of the past year, review the sweat flowing through and the hardships they have been experiencing. At the same time, they should also entertain the harvest and happiness of the new year. In the past year, “the tide of the times” upholds the principle of being rational, original and profound, standing at the forefront of the times, reflecting the style of the times, promoting the spirit of the times, displaying the style of the times, singing the melody of the times, praising the reform and opening up, In 2004, “the tide of the times” will fully rely on the powerful high-end information background of the People’s Daily and the domestic and foreign experts’ think tanks to continue providing the readers with authoritative coverage of major current affairs news. The political and economic focus topic
钩藤已广泛应用于治疗风湿性关节炎、关节肿痛、慢性弥漫性风湿病等 ,其单方及复方应用较多。本文即对钩藤颗粒剂进行了免疫方面的实验研究 ,以探讨其作用机理。现将结果报告
Track 3 All About音频接口 前文已经预告过了,这回我们的主题就是音频接口。音频接口是干嘛的?很简单,你的话筒啦,音箱啦总得有个地方跟电脑连上才能出声吧?这个连接的设备便是音频接口。实
比4 二b二一 .舌 “1‘.-乙“『卜 汪晓罗词 党继志曲 t_j_.‘二二:。l孟人人二 。一l旦~立旦J.兰-二~上0!生典墓里丝二 /~、/一、 6 2 1 6 55 袱‘厂、/一、、 }丝鱼鱼j 乏
姜味草Micromeriabiflora(Buch. -Ham.exD.Don)Bench为唇形科姜味草属植物姜味草的全草。始载于《滇南本草》 ,别名小姜草。文云 :“姜味草 ,味辛 ,性大温。燥脾暖胃 ,进饮食 ,宽中下气 ,疗九种胃气疼痛 ,面寒疼 ,胸膈
凝结祖辈的渴望, 拨转轮回的时光, 盛世里的中原大地, 似一轮喷薄朝阳, 升腾在九洲心坎, 崛立于华夏中央。 斩断陈腐的牵绊, 挥动铿锵的有膀, 新世纪的中原沃土, 似一条金鲜