大花萱草是百合科萱草属宿根花卉(Hemerocallis middendorfii Travtv.et Mey)。一般株高40—100cm。根茎粗壮肥大,叶基生、条形、排成两列,花数朵簇生于花葶顶端。花葶直立,花型硕大,绚丽,花期长(5—11月)。色彩丰富,有红、黄、橙、白、粉紫、蓝、复色等色系。栽培品种极多。抗性较强,部分品种具有较强的抗盐性。
Hemerocallis is a Hemerocallis middendorfii Travtv. Et Mey. General plant height 40-100cm. Rhizome stout hypertrophy, basal leaves, stripes, arranged in two columns, flowers, a few clusters of flowers born in the top of the scape. Scape erect, large flower, gorgeous, long flowering (May-November). Colorful, red, yellow, orange, white, purple, blue, complex color and other colors. Cultivation of many species. Strong resistance, some varieties have strong salt resistance.