
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gem364258013
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In This paper some problems, which should be noticed in the measurements of organicmolecular first hyperpolarizability(β) by the solvatochromism , are discussed based on the resultsof the measurements for 11 compounds .The experiments indicate theat the selection of solvent used is the basis of the method to fit for use. The determination of the parameter a, which is the radius of a spherical cavity occupied by the molecules in the solutions, is the key to decide’the reasonableness of the obtained results and the formula for a=1/2(l’+rv),has been suggestedin which l is the molecular length of the nonlinear optical active part and can be obtained fromvalues of bond lengths in literature, rv is the average spherical radius of used solvents. In this paper some problems, which should be noticed in the measurements of organic molecule first hyperpolarizability (β) by the solvatochromism, are discussed based on the results of the measurements for 11 compounds. These experiments indicate theat the selection of solvent used is the basis of the method to fit for use. The determination of the parameter a, which is radius of a spherical cavity occupied by the molecules in the solutions, is the key to decide ’the reasonableness of the obtained results and the formula for a = 1/2 (l ’+ rv), has been suggestedin which l is the molecular length of the nonlinear optical active part and can be obtained fromvalues ​​of bond lengths in literature, rv is the average spherical radius of used solvents.
中国社区医学创始人和奠基人、著名公共卫生学专家、华西医科大学公共卫生学院陈志潜教授因病医治无效 ,于 2 0 0 0年 9月 2 7日 17时 8分病逝 ,享年 97岁。陈志潜教授是第四
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笔者通过调查,确认水位报警器不锈钢制电极断裂系应力腐蚀所致。分析了产生应力腐蚀的条件,提出了改用合金铜与碳钢作电极的建议。 The author through the investigation to