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亲爱的朋友:在您看这篇文章的时候,迷你(Mini)影像馆(以下简称“迷你”)的加盟商正在或已经突破600位。“迷你”为何受到追捧?用一句话概括就是:“迷你”是针对中小投资者,采用先进技术、设备和耗材,只需投资8880块钱就可以发家致富的新奇特生意。“迷你”是流动的照相馆,是便携的彩色复印、扫描机,更是能在丝 Dear Friends, At the time of reading this article, the franchisee of the Mini Gallery (hereafter referred to as “Mini”) is or has exceeded 600. Why is “Mini” popular? In a word, it can be summed up as follows: “Mini” is a new and unique business aimed at small and medium-sized investors, using advanced technology, equipment and consumables and investing only 8,880 yuan to get rich. “Mini ” is a mobile photo studio, is a portable color copiers, scanners, but also in the wire
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