
来源 :农村金融与市场经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darksmile11
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没有轰轰烈烈、惊天动地的事迹,有的只是一个普通储蓄员对储户的一片赤诚之心,为此,他的先进事迹载入了一九九四年农行全国“十佳储蓄员”名人录.他就是农行中卫县支行储蓄专柜储蓄员汪海涛.江海涛1989年入行时就暗下决心,一定要干出点名堂来.1994年,江海涛被任命支行储蓄专柜负责人后,坚持主动出击,多方了解储源信息.支行储蓄专柜地处县城最繁华的南大街,是个体工商户集中的地方,海涛利用班前、班后的时间深入个体户摊点了解情况,征求意见,改进服务工作.他发现许多经营饮食和果品的个体户每天下午五、六点钟才开始营业,而在这个时间正赶上各储蓄所都下班,就主动向支行领导建议,将专柜每天的营业时间 There is no vigorous and earth-shaking deeds, but only a common reserve to the depositors a sincere heart, therefore, his advanced deeds contained in 1994 ABC’s “Top Ten Reservers” celebrity list .He is Agricultural Bank of China Zhongwei branch savings counters Wang Haitao savings counters when Jiang Haitao entered the market in 1989, secretly determined, we must do something to name one .In 1994, Jiang Haitao was appointed subordinate savings counters charge, insist on taking the initiative to understand the multi-source Information Branch of the savings counters located in the most prosperous South Street in the county seat, is the concentration of individual businesses places, Haitao use class time before and after classes to individual stalls to understand the situation, seek advice, improve service work .He found that many operating diet And fruit of self-employed households every day at five or six o’clock in the afternoon to start business, and at this time are catching up with the savings are off work, take the initiative to the sub-branch leadership advice, the counter daily business hours
The resonance nuclear elastic scattering 16O(α,α) 16O at 3.045 MeV has been used to profile oxygen distributions in SOI material synthesised by SIMOX techniq
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6月,卫生部出台《关于开展提高农村儿童重大疾病医疗保障水平试点工作的意见》。今后,我国将优先选择几种危及儿童生命健康、医疗费用高、经积极治疗预 In June, the Minist